pytorch save model + Gmatch4py + jupyter debugger + community structure
2. [ pytorch ] ——基本使用:(2) 训练好的模型参数的保存以及调用
3. Gmatch4py
4. Network Analysis and Community Structure for Market Surveillance using Python/NetworkX
5. Module has no attribute 'best_partition';
6. two community detection methods: Louvain algotithm, Girvan-Newman algorithm.
7. jupyter notebook debug:
%debug #进入调试模式 up #外层函数调试 down #内层函数调试 quit #退出调试模式. 在notebooke code cell中执行 %pdb on 可以设置为当异常发生时自动进入调试模式,在某些特殊的情况下,这么做可能会更为方便:
Import it and use set_trace() anywhere in your notebook to create one or multiple breakpoints. When executing a cell, it will stop at the first breakpoint and open the command line for code inspection. You can also set breakpoints in the code of imported modules, but don’t forget to import the debugger in there as well.
another visual debug tool is pixiedust.
pip install pixiedust
import pixiedust
in the beginning of code cell: %%pixie_debugger
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