

SET DATEFIRST 1 --设置星期一为第一天
SELECT GETDATE()--在执行时取当前系统时间

--dateadd 对某一个部分添加或者减去多少时间
--参数1 是对哪一个部分进行添加或减少
--参数3 是在哪一个时间日期上进行增加或减少
--参数2 是增加或减去多少
select DATEADD(YEAR,-2,'2015-11-20')
select DATEADD(MONTH,3,'2015-11-20')
select DATEADD(DAY,5,'2015-11-20')

--datediff 算时间差 different 不同的,相差的
--参数1 是指对哪一个部分进行算法
--参数2 是开始的时间日期
--参数3 是结束的日期
select DATEDIFF(YEAR,'2011-1-2','2015-2-2') --年份相差
select DATEDIFF(MONTH,'2011-1-2','2015-2-2')--月份相差(算上中间所有月份)
select DATEDIFF(DAY,'2011-1-2','2015-2-2')--日相差(算上中间所有日)

declare @startday varchar(50) --声明变量时需要添加数据类型,变量名前加@
set @startday = '2008-8-8' --设置变量的值
select DATEDIFF(DAY,@startday,GETDATE()) as 恋爱天数

--datepart 返回时间日期的某一个部分
select DATEPART(YEAR,'2008-8-8')--返回年
select DATEPART(DY,'2008-8-8')--返回dayofyear 这一年的第几天
select DATEPART(QQ,'2008-8-8')--返回季度 共四个季度

--day month year 相当于上面的datepart
select DAY('2008-8-8')
select year('2008-8-8')
select month('2008-8-8')

--isdate 判断时间日期格式是否是正确
select ISDATE('2012-2-29')
select ISDATE('2008-80-8')

--sysdatetime 系统精确时间
SELECT GETDATE()-- 区别是精确与否


--数据类型转换 cast convert
--cast 先写被转换的value + as + 被转换成的类型
select CAST(1.73 as int)
select CAST(1.73 as varchar(50))
select CAST(1.73333333 as decimal(18,2))
select cast(CAST('1.78' as decimal(18,2)) as int)
select CAST('1.78' as decimal(18,2))
--convert 参数1是需要转换成为的类型,参数2是需要被转换的value
select CONVERT(int , '87')
select CONVERT(decimal(18,2) , '87.8787')--在精确后面位数的时候会自动四舍五入
select CONVERT(varchar(50) , 342523.234)


use Student

create table bumen
bcode int primary key,
bname varchar(50),
bzhi varchar(50)
create table ren
code int identity(1,1),
name varchar(50),
age int,
sex char(10),
cid varchar(50),
bumen int

insert into bumen values(1001,'人事部','负责人员面试考核')
insert into bumen values(1002,'市场部','负责开拓市场')
insert into bumen values(1003,'销售部','负责产品销售')
insert into bumen values(1004,'生产部','负责产品生产')
insert into bumen values(1005,'质检部','负责产品质量检验')

insert into ren values('张三',24,'男','370303199903044440',1002)
insert into ren values('李四',25,'女','370303199905044440',1001)
insert into ren values('王五',26,'男','370303199907044440',1002)
insert into ren values('赵六',27,'女','370303199908044440',1001)
insert into ren values('冯七',28,'男','370303199909044440',1003)
insert into ren values('钱大',29,'女','370303199901044440',1001)
insert into ren values('赵二',22,'男','370303199911044440',1003)
insert into ren values('陈赫',31,'男','370303199912044440',1001)
insert into ren values('王祖蓝',32,'女','370303199904044440',1004)
insert into ren values('宝贝儿',33,'男','370303199903034440',1004)
insert into ren values('李晨',34,'女','370303199903224440',1004)
insert into ren values('范爷',35,'男','370303199903234440',1005)
insert into ren values('任泉',36,'男','370303199903254440',1002)
insert into ren values('李冰冰',37,'男','370303199903264440',1003)
insert into ren values('冯小刚',38,'女','370303199903274440',1005)
insert into ren values('郭德纲',39,'男','370303199903284440',1004)
insert into ren values('赵本山',40,'女','370303199903294440',1004)

select *from bumen
select * from ren
select bcode from bumen where bname='销售部'
select * from ren where bumen =1003
select * from ren where bumen =(select bcode from bumen where bname='销售部')

select bumen from ren where name ='张三'
select bzhi from bumen where bcode =1002
select bzhi as 部门职责 from bumen where bcode =(select bumen from ren where name ='张三')

select top 1 bumen , COUNT(*) from ren group by bumen order by COUNT(*) desc
select top 1 * from ren where bumen =1004 order by age desc
select top 1 * from ren where bumen =(select top 1 bumen from ren group by bumen order by COUNT(*) desc) order by age desc

select * from ren where code not in (select top 5 code from ren order by age)

select *from ren where code =( select top 1 code from ren where sex='男' order by age desc)


--分页查询 五条作为一页显示
select top 5*from ren
select top 5*from ren where code not in(select top 5 code from ren)
select top 5*from ren where code not in(select top 10 code from ren)
--第16、17条(最后一次时可以把前面的top 5删除)
select *from ren where code not in(select top 15 code from ren)

select CEILING(COUNT(*)/5.0) from ren--注意要加上.0

select *from bumen
select * from ren
select code,name ,age,sex,cid ,(select bname from bumen where bcode = ren.bumen) as 部门 from ren

select * from ren where age>30 and bumen =(select bcode from bumen where bname='销售部')
--exists 存在。与上句代码作用一致,不常用
select * from ren where exists(select * from bumen where bcode=ren.bumen and bname= '销售部') and age>30


posted @ 2015-11-20 16:55  取个啥名呢  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报