ViewBag.Title = "人员查找";
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<div region="north" data-options="border:true,toolbar:'#toolbar'" style="height: 32px;">
<div class="button_tool">
<a id="btn_byforDepmen" onclick="searchByforDep()" href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton"
data-options="iconCls:'icon-search'">按部门设置</a><a id="btn_byforRose" onclick="searchByforRose()"
href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-search'">
按岗位设置</a><div style="float: right">
<input id="txt_search" class="easyui-searchbox" data-options="prompt:'输入姓名或拼音简写',searcher:findSearchEmp"
style="width: 300px; height: 25px;" />
<div region="west" title="部门树" id="leftDepTree" split="true" style="width: 230px;">
<div style="border: 1px;">
<ul id="Deptree" class="easyui-tree">
<div data-options="region:'center',split:'true', fit:'true', border:'false'">
<div id="cc" class="easyui-layout" data-options="fit:true,border:false">
<div data-options="region:'center' , fit:'true',border:'false',title:'选择人员'">
<table id="SearchEmployeeList" class="easyui-datagrid" data-options="fit:true,border:true">
@* <div id="toolbar">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="searchByforDep()" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-add" plain="true" onclick="newUser()">按部门设置</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="searchByforRose()" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-edit" plain="true" onclick="editUser()">按岗位设置</a>
<div region="east" title="选中人员" split="true" style="width: 360px;">
<table id="EmployeeList" class="easyui-datagrid" fitcolumns="true" data-options="fit:true,border:false,checkOnSelect:true, singleselect:false">
<th field="ck" width="50" checkbox="true">
<th field="UserId" hidden="true" width="50">
<th field="RealName" width="50">
<div region="south" split="true" style="height: 55px;">
<div style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="query()" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="">
确定</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ClearEmptyData()" class="easyui-linkbutton"
data-options="">清空</a> @* <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="cancle()" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="">
<script type="text/javascript">
var MySearchEmployee = {
onloadDepTree: function (choose, flag) { //部门树方法
checkbox: false,
url: '../SearchEmployee/GetOrganizationList',
onClick: function (node) {
//flag代表着开关, D表示加载部门信息
if (flag == "D") {
MySearchEmployee.EmployeeListByforOrg(node.EX1, node.id, choose); //传递参数绑定gridList
else {
MySearchEmployee.onloadRoleTree(node.id, choose); //加载员工数
// $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('clearChecked');
$('#cc').layout('remove', 'west');
onloadRoleTree: function (orgid, choose) {
checkbox: false,
url: '../SearchEmployee/GetRoseList?orgID=' + orgid,
onClick: function (node) {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpListByforRole(node.id, choose); //加载人员列表
removeEmpListTree: function (choose) {//岗位树
MySearchEmployee.onloadDepTree(choose, "R");
var region = 'west';
var options = {
region: region
options.width = 260;
options.split = true;
options.title = "岗位树";
options.id = "leftroleTree";
$('#cc').layout('add', options);
$("#leftroleTree").append(" <div style=\"border: 1px;\"> <ul id=\"roleTree\" class=\"easyui-tree\"> </ul> </div> ");
var data = $('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('getData'); //清空下searList
for (var i = (data.total - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
$('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('deleteRow', i);
checkDepTree: function (choose) {
$('#cc').layout('remove', 'west');
var data = $('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('getData'); //清空下searList
for (var i = (data.total - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
$('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('deleteRow', i);
MySearchEmployee.onloadDepTree(choose, "D");
onloadSeachEmpList: function (UserId, RealName) {//单击选中checkbox 确定最终的显示人
var contains = false;
var data = $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('getData');
if (data.total == 0) {
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('insertRow', {
index: 1, // index start with 0
row: { "UserId": UserId, "RealName": RealName }
else {
for (var i = 0; i < data.total; i++) {
if (data.rows[i].UserId == UserId) {
contains = true;
if (!contains) {
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('insertRow', {
index: 1, // index start with 0
row: { "UserId": UserId, "RealName": RealName }
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('checkAll'); //默认全部选中
EmployeeListByforOrg: function (Category, OrganizationId, Choose) {//根据部门的ID和种类查询出本部门下所有的人员
var param = {
"Category": Category, "OrganizationId": OrganizationId
url: '../SearchEmployee/GetEmployeeByForOrg',
nowrap: false, //是否换行,True 就会把数据显示在一行里
striped: true, //True 奇偶行使用不同背景色
fitColumns: true, //True 就会自动扩大或缩小列的尺寸以适应表格的宽度并且防止水平滚动。
queryParams: param,
onSelect: function (rowIndex, rowData) //选中时绑定人员表
// choose 代表着单选还是多选 s是单选 m是多选
if (Choose == "S") {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rowData.UserId, rowData.RealName);
} else {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rowData.UserId, rowData.RealName);
onUnselect: function (rowIndex, rowData) { //取消选中是的时候同时也要删
onSelectAll: function (rows) //全部选中
MySearchEmployee.onSelectAllByforSearchEmployeeList(rows); //全部选中
onUnselectAll: function (rows) {
MySearchEmployee.onUnselectAllByforSearchEmployeeList(rows); //全部不选中
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
columns: [[
{ field: 'ck', checkbox: 'true', width: 30 },
{ field: 'UserId', width: 30, hidden: true },
{ field: 'RealName', title: '姓名', width: 300 }
findSearchEmp: function () {
var emp = $('#txt_search').searchbox('getValue');
if (emp != null && emp != "") {
url: '../SearchEmployee/GetSearchUser',
nowrap: false, //是否换行,True 就会把数据显示在一行里
striped: true, //True 奇偶行使用不同背景色
fitColumns: true, //True 就会自动扩大或缩小列的尺寸以适应表格的宽度并且防止水平滚动。
queryParams: { "keyName": emp },
onSelect: function (rowIndex, rowData) //选中时绑定人员表
// choose 代表着单选还是多选 s是单选 m是多选
if (MySearchEmployee.getUrl == "S") {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rowData.UserId, rowData.RealName);
} else {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rowData.UserId, rowData.RealName);
onUnselect: function (rowIndex, rowData) { //取消选中是的时候同时也要删
onSelectAll: function (rows) //全部选中
MySearchEmployee.onSelectAllByforSearchEmployeeList(rows); //全部选中
onUnselectAll: function (rows) {
MySearchEmployee.onUnselectAllByforSearchEmployeeList(rows); //全部不选中
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
columns: [[
{ field: 'ck', checkbox: 'true', width: 30 },
{ field: 'UserId', width: 30, hidden: true },
{ field: 'RealName', title: '姓名', width: 300 }
} else {
return false;
onloadSeachEmpListByforRole: function (roleID, Choose) {
var param = {
"roleID": roleID
url: '../SearchEmployee/GetUserByforRole',
nowrap: false, //是否换行,True 就会把数据显示在一行里
striped: true, //True 奇偶行使用不同背景色
fitColumns: true, //True 就会自动扩大或缩小列的尺寸以适应表格的宽度并且防止水平滚动。
queryParams: param,
onSelect: function (rowIndex, rowData) //选中时绑定人员表
if (Choose == "S") {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rowData.UserId, rowData.RealName);
} else {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rowData.UserId, rowData.RealName);
// MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rowData.UserId, rowData.RealName);
onUnselect: function (rowIndex, rowData) { //取消选中是的时候同时也要删
onSelectAll: function (rows) //全部选中
MySearchEmployee.onSelectAllByforSearchEmployeeList(rows); //全部选中
onUnselectAll: function (rows) {
MySearchEmployee.onUnselectAllByforSearchEmployeeList(rows); //全部不选中
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
columns: [[
{ field: 'ck', checkbox: 'true', width: 30 },
{ field: 'UserId', width: 30, hidden: true },
{ field: 'RealName', title: '姓名', width: 300 }
UnloadEmployeeList: function (UserId) { //取消的时候删除行
var data = $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('getData');
for (var i = 0; i < data.total; i++) {
if (data.rows[i].UserId == UserId) {
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('deleteRow', i);
unselectRowEmployeeList: function (UserId) { //去除已经选择上的人员,并且在SearchEmployeeList把打钩去掉
var data = $('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('getData');
for (var i = 0; i < data.total; i++) {
if (data.rows[i].UserId == UserId) {
$('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('unselectRow', i);
onSelectAllByforSearchEmployeeList: function (rows) { //SearchEmployeeList 全选
//那么EmployeeList 就要显示选中的行
// $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('clearChecked');
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
MySearchEmployee.onloadSeachEmpList(rows[i].UserId, rows[i].RealName);
onUnselectAllByforSearchEmployeeList: function (rows) { //SearchEmployeeList 全不选
var data = $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('getData'); //获取当前的EmloyeeList所有的数据
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
for (var k = 0; k < data.total; k++) {
if (rows[i].UserId == data.rows[k].UserId) {
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('deleteRow', k);
onloadForEmployeeList: function () {
onUnselect: function (rowIndex, rowData) {
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('deleteRow', rowIndex); //删除当前行
MySearchEmployee.unselectRowEmployeeList(rowData.UserId); //去除SearchEmployeeList打钩数据
onLoadSuccess: function (data) { //接收data
onUnselectAll: function (rows) {
MySearchEmployee.deleteAllforEmployeeList(rows); //删除所有的列表人员
deleteAllforEmployeeList: function (rows) { //清空选中的列表
var data = $('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('getData'); //获取当前的EmloyeeList所有的数据
var arryList = [];
for (var i = (rows.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
for (var k = 0; k < data.total; k++) {
if (data.rows[k].UserId == rows[i].UserId) {
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('deleteRow', i); //删除list列表
for (var i = 0; i < arryList.length; i++) {
$('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('unselectRow', arryList[i]);
ClearEmptyData: function () {
var dataEmployeeList = $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('getData');
var data = $('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('getData'); //获取当前的EmloyeeList所有的数据
var arryList = [];
for (var i = (dataEmployeeList.total - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
for (var k = 0; k < data.total; k++) {
if (data.rows[k].UserId == dataEmployeeList.rows[i].UserId) {
$('#EmployeeList').datagrid('deleteRow', i); //删除list列表
for (var i = 0; i < arryList.length; i++) {
$('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('unselectRow', arryList[i]);
selectedByforSeacherEmployeeList: function (Depdata) { //执行回调打钩
var Empdata = $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('getData');
var arryList = []; //存放索引的值
for (var i = 0; i < Depdata.total; i++) {
for (var k = 0; k < Empdata.total; k++) {
if (Depdata.rows[i].UserId == Empdata.rows[k].UserId) {
for (var i = 0; i < arryList.length; i++) {
$('#SearchEmployeeList').datagrid('checkRow', arryList[i]); // checkRow selectRow
getUrl: "", //获取URL的参数
GetRequest: function () {
var url = location.search; //获取url中"?"符后的字串
var theRequest = new Object();
if (url.indexOf("?") != -1) {
var str = url.substr(1);
strs = str.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
theRequest[strs[i].split("=")[0]] = unescape(strs[i].split("=")[1]);
return theRequest;
getData: function () { //返回提交EmpList表中的数据
var data;
var Empdata = $('#EmployeeList').datagrid('getData');
if (Empdata.total > 0) {
data = Empdata.rows;
} else {
data = null;
return data;
query: function () {
cancle: function () {
function searchByforDep() { //按部门搜索
function searchByforRose() {
MySearchEmployee.removeEmpListTree(MySearchEmployee.getUrl); //加载角色权限树
var win_width = $(window).width();
$('#bobyLayout').layout('panel', 'west').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
$('#bobyLayout').layout('panel', 'east').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
$('#cc').layout('panel', 'center').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
$('#cc').layout('panel', 'west').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
$(window).resize(function () { //浏览器窗口变化
var win_width = $(window).width();
$('#bobyLayout').layout('panel', 'west').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
$('#bobyLayout').layout('panel', 'east').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
$('#cc').layout('panel', 'center').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
$('#cc').layout('panel', 'west').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 4 });
function findSearchEmp() {
function ClearEmptyData() {
function query() {
function cancle() {
function getData() {
return MySearchEmployee.getData();
function cover() {
var win_width = $(window).width();
$('#bobyLayout').layout('panel', 'west').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 3 });
$('#bobyLayout').layout('panel', 'east').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 3 });
$('#bobyLayout').layout('panel', 'center').panel('resize', { width: win_width / 3 });
$(function () {
$(window).resize(function () { //浏览器窗口变化
var choose;
var Request = new Object();
Request = MySearchEmployee.GetRequest();
choose = Request['choose'];
MySearchEmployee.getUrl = choose;
MySearchEmployee.onloadDepTree(MySearchEmployee.getUrl, "D");
MySearchEmployee.onloadForEmployeeList(); //页面出