CS61A [spring 2022]

CS61A spring2022 通关感想

  • github仓库:duilec/CS61A-spring2022
  • 完成日期:22.8.6 耗时:150~200 hours
  • 很认真地写了注释,做了笔记。
  • 敲代码,写注释和做笔记的比重各占三分之一,其实还不少时间去查阅资料
  • 面向对象编程的时候,真的很考验英文阅读能力,一不小心就理解出错
  • 递归真令人又爱又恨
  • scheme也很折磨,但是写递归是真的方便
  • Thank for teachers who open CS61A!

course introduce

An introduction to programming and computer science focused on abstraction techniques as means to manage program complexity. Techniques include procedural abstraction; control abstraction using recursion, higher-order functions, generators, and streams; data abstraction using interfaces, objects, classes, and generic operators; and language abstraction using interpreters and macros.
The course exposes students to programming paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, and declarative approaches. It includes an introduction to asymptotic analysis of algorithms. There are several significant programming projects.

FROM: CS 61A. The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

course website

posted @ 2022-08-06 19:48  duile  阅读(316)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报