
这两天尝试在Mac/Linux/Windows三大平台上编译.NET跨平台三驾马车(coreclr/corefx/dnx)之一的corefx(.NET Core Framework),结果三个平台的编译都失败了。后来一一都解决了,在这篇博文中分享一下。



/git/dotnet/corefx/dir.props(214,5): warning : 
The Roslyn targets do not exist- Roslyn will not be used for this build, but the package should be restored if you build again. 

/git/dotnet/corefx/dir.props(214,5): warning : 
The Roslyn targets do not exist- Roslyn will not be used for this build, but the package should be restored if you build again. 

line 3: /git/dotnet/corefx/packages/dnx-mono.1.0.0-beta5-11760/bin/dnu: Permission denied

/git/dotnet/corefx/packages/Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools.1.0.25-prerelease-00050/lib/packageresolve.targets(31,5): error MSB3073: 
The command ""/git/dotnet/corefx/packages/dnx-mono.1.0.0-beta5-11760/bin/dnu" restore --packages "/git/dotnet/corefx/packages" "/git/dotnet/corefx/src/Microsoft.CSharp/src/project.json"" exited with code 126. 


6 Warning(s)
5 Error(s)


System.IO.InvalidDataException: Unable to read package from path 'Microsoft.Net.ToolsetCompilers.1.0.0-rc3-20150510-01.nupkg'. 
---> System.IO.FileFormatException: The specified archive is invalid.
at System.IO.Packaging.Package.OpenCore (System.IO.Stream stream, FileMode packageMode, 
	FileAccess packageAccess, Boolean ownsStream) <0x1055e4fd0 + 0x001df> in <filename unknown>:0 



scp -r root@server:/git/corefx/packages/ /git/dotnet/corefx
    1 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:07:33.93
Build Exit Code = 0


在Linux CentOS上编译corefx遇到的错误如下:

Restoring MSBuild...
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers)
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers)
WARNING: The request timed out
WARNING: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers)
Unable to find version '' of package 'Microsoft.Build.Mono.Debug'.
Failed to restore MSBuild.


mozroots --import --sync


在Windows上编译corefx遇到的错误如下(电脑上安装的是Visual Studio 2015):

corefx\src\Common\src\System\SR.cs(19,67): error CS0117: 
'SR' does not contain a definition for 'ResourceType' 



Build fails on Mac/Linux/Windows

posted @ 2015-05-31 12:18  dudu  阅读(2631)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报