这篇文章是关于.Text如何过滤恶意脚本的思考文章的继续。我下面所要讲的实现方法,实际上是A Taste of AOP from Solving Problems with OOP and Design Patterns 一文中设计思想的实际应用。实现的原理是:拦截对对象的属性的访问, 在属性返回之前,对属性值进行过滤。本想好好写一下这篇文章,可测试成功后,急于想把成功与大家分享,再加上成功后的兴... 阅读全文
Books Lessons Learned in Software Testing by Cem Kaner, James Bach, and Bret PettichordPragmatic Unit Testing in C# by the Pragmatic Programmers Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, I have no idea how good thi... 阅读全文