Config Wincvs For SourceForge

Rob Bodington wrote up the following after sucessfully writing to the “stepmod” CVS repository:

At last .... SUCCESS.

It was a real gotcha.

I initially checked out the module without using SSH. I then set up SSH. When I then tried to check stuff back, my local copy had the initial CVSROOT - not the one needed for SSH. Hence I could not check stuff back in.

I found out where I was going wrong from

Here are some additional notes on how to get CVS working with SourceForge. I distilled this from a load of help pages that Josh pointed me to. If I have anything wrong or it does not work, then let us know.

This details the software I am using - there are other ways of doing this.

This help was based on Josh's help page at

  1. Register on SourceForge, and request developer access from the stepmod project administrator.
  2. Install WinCVS - Can be down loaded from:
  3. Install the SSH software PuTTY - You need putty.exe, plink.exe, pageant.exe, puttygen.exe. The putty help pages would be a useful download as well. These can be down loaded from Useful help pages:
  4. Set up and test your SSH to connect to SourceForge. First generate and post your SSH key to SourceForge. Details on how to do this are at Note - you will have to wait 6 hours before your key has been circulated.
  5. Create and save a putty session that logs on to SourceForge using SSH. On the session window:
       Host Name:
       SSH selected
    On the SSH window:
       SSH 1 selected
    Specify your authentication key.
  6. Set up PLINK and CVS environment variables
       set CVS_RSH=\path\to\plink.exe
       set PLINK_PROTOCOL=ssh
  7. Run pageant adding your key
  8. Configure WinCVS
    CVSROOT box
    where putty_session_name is the name of the putty session you just created.
    Alternative rsh name
  9. Check out the repository - use the Admin->Command line
    cvs co stepmod

Created by Josh Lubell

Last modified Monday July 01, 2002

posted @ 2004-04-17 17:57  dudu  阅读(1875)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报