

Aspect# ( is a free AOP framework for .NET.
AspectDNG ( is a .NET multi-language aspect weaver.

Eos ( is an aspect-oriented extension to C# for .NET Framework. Eos supports a very simple unified model of AOP.

LOOM.NET ( is a static aspect weaver that operates on binary .NET assemblies. The RAPIER-LOOM.NET library is a dynamic aspect weaver.

PostSharp ( is a post-compiler for Microsoft .NET and may be used as a base for AOP development


AspectJ ( is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to Java that enables the modular implementation of a wide range of crosscutting concerns.

AspectWerkz ( is a dynamic, lightweight and high-performant AOP/AOSD framework for Java. (from March 2005 Aspectwekz has been merged with AspectJ)

JBoss-AOP ( is the Java AOP architecture used for the JBOSS application server.

Spring ('s approach to AOP differs from that of most other AOP frameworks. The aim is not to provide the most complete AOP implementation (although Spring AOP is quite capable); it is rather to provide a close integration between AOP implementation and Spring IoC to help solve common problems in enterprise applications.

abc ( is a full implementation of the AspectJ language, with an emphasis on extensibility and optimisations.

JAC ( is a Java framework for aspect-oriented distributed programming.

Nanning ( is an Aspect Oriented Framework for Java based on dynamic proxies and aspects implemented as ordinary Java-classes.

PAT ( (Persistent Applications Toolkit) is a persistence aspect for plain, Java objects.


AspectC++ ( is an aspect-oriented extension to the C++ programming language.

FeatureC++ ( supports feature-oriented and aspect-oriented programming in C++. The highlight of FeatureC++ is the combination of FOP and AOP concepts.

XWeaver ( is an extensible, customizable and minimally intrusive aspect weaver for C/C++ — it generates source code which differs as little as possible from the base code (preserves layout and comments).


AspectS ( is an AOP framework for Smalltalk. There are two versions: one for Visual Works, and another for Squeak.

AspectXML ( is an attempt to sound out, brainstorm, and generally try out the aspect oriented approach in relation to XML.

posted @ 2005-08-26 22:34  dudu  阅读(1893)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报