... that access modifiers like public, private and internal are enforced by the language compilers (C#, VB.NET) only and not on IL level?
That means that you can invoke any private or internal member in any class, residing in any assembly, just by using Reflection.
To invoke a private static method Calc from the internal class Calculations in the AssemblyWithPrivateMembers assembly that requires two parameters of type int and returns an int, you can write the following few lines of code.
Assembly asm = Assembly.Load("AssemblyWithPrivateMembers");
Type t = asm.GetType("AssemblyWithPrivateMembers.Calculations");
object[] args = new object[] { 2, 4 };
BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
int result = (int)(t.InvokeMember("Calc", bindingFlags, null, null, args));
For you as a developer it means that you can use all non-public members you find by browsing the .NET framework base class library (using .NET Reflector for example).
But: Please use this possibility with caution! There will always be a reason why a class or member is not declared public. Additionally you are never sure if the class or member will change in later versions of the assembly.
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