
  java初学者一枚,今天在家装tomcat,从官方下载tomcat下载解压后,配置好相关环境变量,点击bin下的startup.bat,命令行一闪而过,按照别人说的,是环境变量没配置好,于是我反复确定变量配置,还是一直都启动不了,又没错误日志,又看不到错误提示,头大了。。。然后去google搜索下,搜索“tomcat 7 failed to startup in windows”, 我觉得这是种很普遍的问题,结果既然没搜索到答案,没办法,百度下吧,百度自动弹出“tomcat7启动一闪而过”,看第一条就找到了解决方法(,尼玛,google怎么可能找不到答案,于是我改搜“click tomcat startup.bat,the cmd terminal disappear at once”,  stackoverflow答案就在第一条。。哎,英文越来越差了。当然命令行相关知识也是不了解。



I downloaded apache-tomcat-7.0.40 for Windows 8 and I followed the instructions by using theC:\apache-tomcat-7.0.40> startup.bat at my command prompt. The tomcat application appeared for 1 second and then disappeared, so I maybe the documents installation is not enough? What should I do? While my local host is internet information service.

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Open a terminal / command prompt, go to the directory and then run startup.bat. Check if you see any errors. You can also check the catalina.out file under the logs folder. My guess is that you don't have the current version of JDK installed or JAVA_HOME env variable is not set properly. –  gkamal May 31 '13 at 7:23
Bat file complete its task and cmd window close then. To see what it says either open command propmt in this folder and run up.bat from it or redirect .bat output to text file up.bat > out.txt –  Tommi May 31 '13 at 7:24
posted @ 2014-01-11 22:14  duan~  阅读(517)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报