使用unity2017.3 vuforia7摄像头放大的问题



1.从assets store下载示例,运行找不到vuforia命名空间

   很多人说的解决方案是要导入最新内置在unity中的vuforia sdk包,确实是这样,但是!!!在导入之前,要先勾选vuforia augmented realit



  E:\Unity 2017.3.0.3\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\VuforiaSupport\VuforiaResources\webcamprofiles.xml


 <webcam deviceName="FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)">
            <!-- size of the web cam texture requested from Unity -->
            <!-- size of the texture Unity's web cam texture will be rescaled to -->
            <!-- size of the web cam texture requested from Unity -->
            <!-- size of the texture Unity's web cam texture will be rescaled to -->


posted @ 2017-12-28 10:57  千喜ya  阅读(1585)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报