
1.边框圆角(Border Radiuas)

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border: 1px solid #699;
/* for Mozilla Firefox */
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/* for Safari & Google Chrome */
-webkit-border-radius: 20px;
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2.盒阴影(Box Shadow)

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3.透明度(Transparency or RGBA)

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            /*Firefox, Safari, Chrome和Opera下的CSS透明度*/
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    What began like a day where stocks would sell off sharply turned darn near positive despite a disappointing report
    on private-sector employment in April that offered more evidence economic growth may be slowing.
    The Dow Jones industrials ($INDU) fell as many as 87 points before bargain-hunting cut the losses by nearly 90%. The
    Nasdaq Composite Index ($COMPX), down as many as 21 points in midmorning, surged to a solid gain in the afternoon.
    Energy stocks were especially weak after the Energy Department reported a larger-than-expected increase in domestic
    oil supplies. Oil prices moved lower.
    The ADP National Employment report estimated only 119,000 private-sector jobs were created in April, far less than
    the consensus estimate of about 170,000 jobs. The weaker-than-expected result increases the worries that Friday's
    jobs report from the Labor Department also will disappoint. ADP is one of the largest payroll processors.
    After the close, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) shares slumped about 40% to $29.79 from a regular close of
    $49.52. Fiscal-second-quarter revenue missed estimates and the company cut fiscal-third-quarter estimates
    substantially. But shares of Whole Foods Market (WFM) jumped nearly 3.5% to $87.24 after reporting robust
    fiscal-second-quarter earnings and boosting its earnings guidance for the fiscal year to $2.44 to $2.47 a share
    from earlier guidance of $2.28 to $2.32 a share. Shares are up more than 21% this year.
    The Dow closed down just 11 points to 13,269, a day after the index hit a four-year high. The Standard & Poor's 500
    Index ($INX) was off 4 points to 1,402. The Nasdaq was up 9 points at 3,060, and the Nasdaq-100 Index ($NDX) was up
    8 points to 2,735.



background-image: url(top-image.jpg), url(middle-image.jpg), url(bottom-image.jpg);

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7.背景渐变(Background Gradients)

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            /*Chrome or safari的代码*/
            background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #b6ebf7), color-stop(0.80, #fff));

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    transition-property :* //指定过渡的性质,比如transition-property:backgrond 就是指backgound参与这个过渡
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posted @ 2012-05-03 14:49  dsfderek  阅读(313)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报