Spreadsheet Tracking UVa512





#define maxd 10000
//#define LOCAL

// A structure contains: command, point before and now,
//                       the number of changed lines, the c\r index.
struct Command
    char c[5];
    int r1, c1, r2, c2;
    int a, x[20];

int r, c, n;

//a fuction be used to change the query(previous) point to the present point.
//CMD: EX(only one)  DC\R IC\R(lots of lines)
int simulate(int &r0, int &c0)
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        int nr(0), nc(0); //to count the change number.
        if( cmd[i].c[0] == 'E' ) 
            if( cmd[i].r1 == r0 && cmd[i].c1 == c0 ){ r0 = cmd[i].r2; c0 = cmd[i].c2;}
            else if( cmd[i].r2 == r0 && cmd[i].c2 == c0 ){ r0 = cmd[i].r1; c0 = cmd[i].c1;}
        //judge the Delete or Insert.
            if(cmd[i].c[0] == 'D')
                for(int j = 0; j < cmd[i].a; j++)
                    if( cmd[i].c[1] == 'C' )
                        if( cmd[i].x[j] == c0 ) return 0;
                        if( cmd[i].x[j] < c0  ) nc--;
                        if( cmd[i].x[j] == r0 ) return 0;
                        if( cmd[i].x[j] <  r0 ) nr--;
                for( int j = 0; j < cmd[i].a; j++)
                    if( cmd[i].c[1] == 'C')
                        if ( cmd[i].x[j] <= c0 ) nc++;
                        if ( cmd[i].x[j] <= r0 ) nr++;

    r0 += nr;
    c0 += nc;
    return 1;

int main()
    #ifdef LOCAL
    freopen("data.in", "r", stdin);
    freopen("data.out", "w", stdout);

    int r0, c0, q, kase = 0;
    while(scanf("%d%d%d", &r, &c, &n) == 3 && r)
        //We need the  i to record the index.
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            scanf("%s", cmd[i].c);
            //CMD: EX DC\R IC\R
            if(cmd[i].c[0] == 'E')
                scanf("%d%d%d%d", &cmd[i].r1, &cmd[i].c1, &cmd[i].r2, &cmd[i].c2);
                scanf("%d", &cmd[i].a);
                for(int j = 0; j < cmd[i].a; j++)
                    scanf("%d", &cmd[i].x[j]);
        if(kase > 0) printf("\n");
        printf("Spreadsheet #%d\n", ++kase);

        scanf("%d", &q);
        //the format
            scanf("%d%d", &r0, &c0);
            printf("Cell data in (%d,%d) ", r0, c0);
            if(!simulate(r0, c0)) printf("GONE\n");
            else printf("moved to (%d,%d)\n", r0, c0);
    return 0;
  1. 特别要注意if的连用问题,比如在情况EX里面 如果连个都写的是If, 那么会有有趣的事情发生, 两个数字换过去,竟然又换回来了,真的是很神奇。解决的方案也比较简单使用else if即可。
  2. < and <=的使用要注意,因为这里比较隐蔽,很容易出现WA,而不知道哪里错了,因此在每次做题目的时候出现问题,需要在所有的判断处检查一下
  3. . and ,因为这两个字符在键盘上的位置离得比较近,有的时候容易手误打错了,可是编译器有的时候不一定会报错,它可能会认为是逗号运算符就放过去了。
posted @ 2018-08-11 11:55  ClarkQian  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报