Linux查看/删除/创建user, 设置密码,并赋予sudo su root权限
- 查看user
- 给Linux服务器新建一个user, 设置登陆密码,然后赋予sudo su root权限。 介绍两种方式:交互方式,非交互脚本方式
- 删除user
# 查看所有用户的列表 cat /etc/passwd #查看当前活跃的用户列表 w # 查看用户组 cat /etc/group #查看当前登录用户名 whoami #查看当前登录用户的组内成员 groups #查看gliethttp用户所在的组,以及组内成员 groups gliethttp # 查看所有用户 一个简明的layout命令 cat /etc/passwd|grep -v nologin|grep -v halt|grep -v shutdown|awk -F":" '{ print $1"|"$3"|"$4 }'|more
2.创建user, 设置密码,并赋予sudo su root权限
创建user后,需要给user赋予sudo su root权限,否则 usernametest 登陆后,执行sudo su root 会报:appsvc is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
#登陆putty, change user sudo su root #add group, group name is usernametest groupadd usernametest #add user and and user to group, user name is usernametest useradd -d /home/usernametest/ -m -g usernametest usernametest #set password password123456 passwd password123456 #change mod cd /home/ chmod 775 -R usernametest
#登陆putty, change user sudo su root #添加sudo文件的写权限 chmod u+w /etc/sudoers #编辑sudoers文件 vim /etc/sudoers #root ALL=(ALL) ALL下一行添加 usernametest ALL=(ALL) ALL #撤销sudoers文件写权限 chmod u-w /etc/sudoers
#!/bin/sh # name=username01 # pass=password01 name=$1 pass=$2 # add user sudo useradd ${name} if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "user ${name} is created successfully!!!" else echo "Fail to create user ${name}" exit 1 fi #sudo passwd echo ${pass} | sudo passwd ${name} --stdin &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "${name}'s password is set successfully" else echo "Fail to set ${name}'s password" fi # add user to sudoers file echo "${name} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers echo "${name} add to sudoers file successfully"
userdel -r username
xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.的解决方法