<?php /* 命令行 d: cd ApacheServer\php php.exe D:\ApacheServer\web\crawl\downAndroidApk.php --appidFile=D:\ApacheServer\web\crawl\youxi.txt --newDir=D:\ApacheServer\web\crawl\requestNewDir */ // 判断必须在php-cli模式下运行,即命令行执行 if (strtolower(php_sapi_name()) != 'cli') { echo " error : this script must run by php-cli mode."; exit; } echo "\n\n\n =================== begin download =================== \n"; /* * 分析参数 */ //创建变量 $new_dir = $old_dir = $appid_file = ''; $sleep_time = 0; //strpos() 函数返回字符串在另一个字符串中第一次出现的位置。如果没有找到该字符串,则返回 false。 //$argv存储命令行 php.exe 命令后面每一个用空格分割的字符串组成的数组,索引从0起 //DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 根据不同的系统返回不同的路径分隔符。windows "\" 或 "/",linux "/" foreach ($argv as $k=>$v) { //根据命令行给定参数,设定相应变量值 if (!$new_dir && strpos($v, '-newDir=')===1) { // 设置新保存的APP目录 $new_dir = substr($v, 9); if (substr($new_dir, -1)==DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $new_dir = substr($new_dir, 0, -1); } } elseif (!$old_dir && strpos($v, '-oldDir=')===1) { // 设置旧的APP存放目录 $old_dir = substr($v, 9); if (substr($old_dir, -1)==DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $old_dir = substr($new_dir, 0, -1); } } elseif (!$appid_file && strpos($v, '-appidFile=')===1) { // 设置读取ID列表参数 $appid_file = substr($v, 12); }elseif (!$sleep_time && strpos($v, '-sleep=')===1) { // 设置暂停时间 $sleep_time = intval(substr($v, 8)); $sleep_time<=0 ? $sleep_time=3 : 1; } } /* * 检测参数 */ // 判断存储appid列表的文件是否存在 if (!$appid_file || !file_exists($appid_file)) { echo 'error : --appidFile error. app id file is not exists!'."\n"; exit; } // 判断保存下载APP的目录是否创建 if (!$new_dir || !file_exists($new_dir)) { echo 'error: --newDir error. new app downloaded directory is not exists, please create that.'."\n"; exit; } // 判断以前保持下载目录的目录是否存在 if (!$old_dir || !file_exists($old_dir)) { echo '-----warong: --oldDir warong. old app downloaded directory is not exists, can not be compared.'."\n"; sleep(3); } // 引入页面抓取类 require('Snoopy.class.php'); // 引入下载类 require('dedehttpdown.class.php'); // 分析app列表文件 /* 存储appid的youxi.txt文件的存储格式为 appid1 appid2 appid3 $app_id_array通过file()函数获取的是每行字符串组成的数组,索引从0开始 */ $app_id_array = file($appid_file); //打开日志文件 $log = ''; $fp = fopen($new_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'log.txt', 'a'); foreach ($app_id_array as $k=>$appid) { if (empty($appid)) { $log = '-----error : appid "'.$v.'" is can not get info'."\n"; continue; } echo '--begin appid: '.$appid."\n";//打印显示开始下载的appid $log = getAppInfo($appid); echo $log[0]."\n"; // 打印log fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()).' '.$log[0]."\n"); // 如果下载失败,打印失败log if (isset($log[1]) && !empty($log[1])) { fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()).' ----------'.$log[1]."----------\n"); } echo '--end appid: '.$appid."\n"; if ($sleep_time) { sleep($sleep_time); } } fclose($fp); echo "\n =================== end download =================== \n\n\n"; /* * 获取某应用信息 */ function getAppInfo($app_id) { global $new_dir; //创建抓取类对象 $snoopy = new Snoopy(); //0对应正常下载信息,1对应失败错误信息 $log = array(0=>'', 1=>''); echo "1 get $app_id info start\n"; //初始化图片地址,应用名称,版本号 $bigicon_url = $title = $app_version =''; //设置要抓取的网页路径 $url = 'http://www.wandoujia.com/apps/'.$app_id; $snoopy->fetch($url); //将路径赋给抓取对象 $content = $snoopy->results; //获取所有内容 //通过正则查找将内容中回车换成空格,回车符两边的 //必须加,因为正则内容必须写在//中 $content = preg_replace("/\n/", ' ', $content); //将内容中换行换成空格 $content = preg_replace("/\r/", ' ', $content); // 获取图片地址 bigicon_url //$imgs为搜索结果。 $imgs[0]将包含完整模式匹配到的文本, $imgs[1] 将包含第一个捕获子组(正则里第一个括号匹配到的内容)匹配到的文本,以此类推。 $i = preg_match('/class="app-icon".*?rc="(.*?)"/', $content, $imgs); $bigicon_url = $imgs[1]; // 获取应用名称 title if ($i) { $i = preg_match('/class="app-name".*?itemprop="name">(.*?)</', $content, $title); $title = trim($title[1]); } // 获取版本号 app_version if ($i) { $i = preg_match('/<dt>版本<\/dt>.*?<dd>(.*?)</', $content, $app_version); $app_version = trim($app_version[1]); } // 获取APK包大小 if ($i) { $i = preg_match('/<dt>大小<\/dt>.*?<dd>(.*?)</', $content, $apk_size); $apk_size = trim($apk_size[1]); } //如果获取app信息成功则进行下载 if ($bigicon_url && $title && $app_version) { $app_dir = $new_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$app_id; if (!file_exists($app_dir)) { mkdir($app_dir); chmod($app_dir, 0777); } $log[0] = $app_id.'|'.$title.'|'.$app_version.'|'; // 开始下载图片和APK包 echo "2 get $app_id info finished\n"; echo "3 get $app_id image start\n"; $img_size = download($app_id, 'img', $bigicon_url); // 下载图片 echo "4 get $app_id image finished\n"; echo "5 get $app_id app start. size: $apk_size\n"; $apk_size = str_ireplace('M', '', $apk_size); $app_size = download($app_id, 'app', '', $apk_size); // 下载APP echo "6 get $app_id app finished\n"; //如果返回的文件大小为空则下载失败 if ($app_size=='B') { $log[1] = '-----'. $app_id . ' downloaded apk failure.-----'; echo $log[1]."\n"; } $log[0] .= $app_size; //记录日志文件 file_put_contents($app_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'apkinfo.txt', $log[0]); return $log; } else { $log[0] = $app_id.'|'; $log[1] = '-----'.$app_id .' get html failed. -----'; echo $log[1]."\n"; return $log; } } /* * 下载图片和应用 * $type = 'img/app' 图片或应用. * $img_url图片地址, 仅仅type为img时需要 * $apk_size在正常下载不好用时需要 */ function download($app_id, $type='img', $img_url='', $apk_size=0) { global $new_dir; //创建下载对象 $httpdown = new DedeHttpDown(); //下载APP if ($type == 'app') { // 组建下载地址 $app_url = 'http://apps.wandoujia.com/apps/'.$app_id.'/download?pos=www/detail'; echo $app_url."\n"; // 设置文件保存完整路径 $app_file = $new_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $app_id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $app_id.'.apk'; $file_have = 0; //有时候会下载不成功,重试两次,不成功则跳过 for ($i=1; $i<=2; $i++) { echo 'downloaded times: '.$i."\n"; //设置下载路径 $httpdown->OpenUrl($app_url); //设置保存路径,到保存文件的扩展名,完整路径 $httpdown->SaveToBin($app_file); $httpdown->Close(); if (file_exists($app_file)) { $file_have = 1; break; } //等待三秒,防止下载太快网站封IP sleep(3); } // 如果下载失败,使用snoopy尝试一次 if (!file_exists($app_file)) { echo 'downloaded times: 3'."\n"; //获取php.ini的内存限制大小 $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); if ($apk_size && $memory_limit-2>$apk_size) { $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch($app_url); $content = $snoopy->results;//获取内容 file_put_contents($app_file, $content); } } if (file_exists($app_file)) { $file_have = 1; } unset($httpdown); if ($file_have) { //获取下载后文件的大小 return filesize($app_file).'B'; } else { return 'B'; } //否则下载图片 } elseif ($type == 'img') { // 设置文件保存完整路径 $bigicon = $new_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $app_id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bigicon.png'; $httpdown->OpenUrl($img_url); $httpdown->SaveToBin($bigicon); $httpdown->Close(); unset($httpdown); if (file_exists($bigicon)) { return filesize($bigicon).'B'; } else { return 'B'; } } } ?>
<?php /************************************************* Snoopy - the PHP net client Author: Monte Ohrt <monte@ispi.net> Copyright (c): 1999-2008 New Digital Group, all rights reserved Version: 1.2.4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA You may contact the author of Snoopy by e-mail at: monte@ohrt.com The latest version of Snoopy can be obtained from: http://snoopy.sourceforge.net/ *************************************************/ class Snoopy { /**** Public variables ****/ /* user definable vars */ var $host = "www.php.net"; // host name we are connecting to var $port = 80; // port we are connecting to var $proxy_host = ""; // proxy host to use var $proxy_port = ""; // proxy port to use var $proxy_user = ""; // proxy user to use var $proxy_pass = ""; // proxy password to use var $agent = "Snoopy v1.2.4"; // agent we masquerade as var $referer = ""; // referer info to pass var $cookies = array(); // array of cookies to pass // $cookies["username"]="joe"; var $rawheaders = array(); // array of raw headers to send // $rawheaders["Content-type"]="text/html"; var $maxredirs = 5; // http redirection depth maximum. 0 = disallow var $lastredirectaddr = ""; // contains address of last redirected address var $offsiteok = true; // allows redirection off-site var $maxframes = 0; // frame content depth maximum. 0 = disallow var $expandlinks = true; // expand links to fully qualified URLs. // this only applies to fetchlinks() // submitlinks(), and submittext() var $passcookies = true; // pass set cookies back through redirects // NOTE: this currently does not respect // dates, domains or paths. var $user = ""; // user for http authentication var $pass = ""; // password for http authentication // http accept types var $accept = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*"; var $results = ""; // where the content is put var $error = ""; // error messages sent here var $response_code = ""; // response code returned from server var $headers = array(); // headers returned from server sent here var $maxlength = 500000; // max return data length (body) var $read_timeout = 0; // timeout on read operations, in seconds // supported only since PHP 4 Beta 4 // set to 0 to disallow timeouts var $timed_out = false; // if a read operation timed out var $status = 0; // http request status var $temp_dir = "/tmp"; // temporary directory that the webserver // has permission to write to. // under Windows, this should be C:\temp var $curl_path = "/usr/local/bin/curl"; // Snoopy will use cURL for fetching // SSL content if a full system path to // the cURL binary is supplied here. // set to false if you do not have // cURL installed. See http://curl.haxx.se // for details on installing cURL. // Snoopy does *not* use the cURL // library functions built into php, // as these functions are not stable // as of this Snoopy release. /**** Private variables ****/ var $_maxlinelen = 4096; // max line length (headers) var $_httpmethod = "GET"; // default http request method var $_httpversion = "HTTP/1.0"; // default http request version var $_submit_method = "POST"; // default submit method var $_submit_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // default submit type var $_mime_boundary = ""; // MIME boundary for multipart/form-data submit type var $_redirectaddr = false; // will be set if page fetched is a redirect var $_redirectdepth = 0; // increments on an http redirect var $_frameurls = array(); // frame src urls var $_framedepth = 0; // increments on frame depth var $_isproxy = false; // set if using a proxy server var $_fp_timeout = 30; // timeout for socket connection /*======================================================================*\ Function: fetch Purpose: fetch the contents of a web page (and possibly other protocols in the future like ftp, nntp, gopher, etc.) Input: $URI the location of the page to fetch Output: $this->results the output text from the fetch \*======================================================================*/ function fetch($URI) { //preg_match("|^([^:]+)://([^:/]+)(:[\d]+)*(.*)|",$URI,$URI_PARTS); $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI); if (!empty($URI_PARTS["user"])) $this->user = $URI_PARTS["user"]; if (!empty($URI_PARTS["pass"])) $this->pass = $URI_PARTS["pass"]; if (empty($URI_PARTS["query"])) $URI_PARTS["query"] = ''; if (empty($URI_PARTS["path"])) $URI_PARTS["path"] = ''; switch(strtolower($URI_PARTS["scheme"])) { case "http": $this->host = $URI_PARTS["host"]; if(!empty($URI_PARTS["port"])) $this->port = $URI_PARTS["port"]; if($this->_connect($fp)) { if($this->_isproxy) { // using proxy, send entire URI $this->_httprequest($URI,$fp,$URI,$this->_httpmethod); } else { $path = $URI_PARTS["path"].($URI_PARTS["query"] ? "?".$URI_PARTS["query"] : ""); // no proxy, send only the path $this->_httprequest($path, $fp, $URI, $this->_httpmethod); } $this->_disconnect($fp); if($this->_redirectaddr) { /* url was redirected, check if we've hit the max depth */ if($this->maxredirs > $this->_redirectdepth) { // only follow redirect if it's on this site, or offsiteok is true if(preg_match("|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i",$this->_redirectaddr) || $this->offsiteok) { /* follow the redirect */ $this->_redirectdepth++; $this->lastredirectaddr=$this->_redirectaddr; $this->fetch($this->_redirectaddr); } } } if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes && count($this->_frameurls) > 0) { $frameurls = $this->_frameurls; $this->_frameurls = array(); while(list(,$frameurl) = each($frameurls)) { if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) { $this->fetch($frameurl); $this->_framedepth++; } else break; } } } else { return false; } return true; break; case "https": if(!$this->curl_path) return false; if(function_exists("is_executable")) if (!is_executable($this->curl_path)) return false; $this->host = $URI_PARTS["host"]; if(!empty($URI_PARTS["port"])) $this->port = $URI_PARTS["port"]; if($this->_isproxy) { // using proxy, send entire URI $this->_httpsrequest($URI,$URI,$this->_httpmethod); } else { $path = $URI_PARTS["path"].($URI_PARTS["query"] ? "?".$URI_PARTS["query"] : ""); // no proxy, send only the path $this->_httpsrequest($path, $URI, $this->_httpmethod); } if($this->_redirectaddr) { /* url was redirected, check if we've hit the max depth */ if($this->maxredirs > $this->_redirectdepth) { // only follow redirect if it's on this site, or offsiteok is true if(preg_match("|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i",$this->_redirectaddr) || $this->offsiteok) { /* follow the redirect */ $this->_redirectdepth++; $this->lastredirectaddr=$this->_redirectaddr; $this->fetch($this->_redirectaddr); } } } if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes && count($this->_frameurls) > 0) { $frameurls = $this->_frameurls; $this->_frameurls = array(); while(list(,$frameurl) = each($frameurls)) { if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) { $this->fetch($frameurl); $this->_framedepth++; } else break; } } return true; break; default: // not a valid protocol $this->error = 'Invalid protocol "'.$URI_PARTS["scheme"].'"\n'; return false; break; } return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: submit Purpose: submit an http form Input: $URI the location to post the data $formvars the formvars to use. format: $formvars["var"] = "val"; $formfiles an array of files to submit format: $formfiles["var"] = "/dir/filename.ext"; Output: $this->results the text output from the post \*======================================================================*/ function submit($URI, $formvars="", $formfiles="") { unset($postdata); $postdata = $this->_prepare_post_body($formvars, $formfiles); $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI); if (!empty($URI_PARTS["user"])) $this->user = $URI_PARTS["user"]; if (!empty($URI_PARTS["pass"])) $this->pass = $URI_PARTS["pass"]; if (empty($URI_PARTS["query"])) $URI_PARTS["query"] = ''; if (empty($URI_PARTS["path"])) $URI_PARTS["path"] = ''; switch(strtolower($URI_PARTS["scheme"])) { case "http": $this->host = $URI_PARTS["host"]; if(!empty($URI_PARTS["port"])) $this->port = $URI_PARTS["port"]; if($this->_connect($fp)) { if($this->_isproxy) { // using proxy, send entire URI $this->_httprequest($URI,$fp,$URI,$this->_submit_method,$this->_submit_type,$postdata); } else { $path = $URI_PARTS["path"].($URI_PARTS["query"] ? "?".$URI_PARTS["query"] : ""); // no proxy, send only the path $this->_httprequest($path, $fp, $URI, $this->_submit_method, $this->_submit_type, $postdata); } $this->_disconnect($fp); if($this->_redirectaddr) { /* url was redirected, check if we've hit the max depth */ if($this->maxredirs > $this->_redirectdepth) { if(!preg_match("|^".$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://|", $this->_redirectaddr)) $this->_redirectaddr = $this->_expandlinks($this->_redirectaddr,$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$URI_PARTS["host"]); // only follow redirect if it's on this site, or offsiteok is true if(preg_match("|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i",$this->_redirectaddr) || $this->offsiteok) { /* follow the redirect */ $this->_redirectdepth++; $this->lastredirectaddr=$this->_redirectaddr; if( strpos( $this->_redirectaddr, "?" ) > 0 ) $this->fetch($this->_redirectaddr); // the redirect has changed the request method from post to get else $this->submit($this->_redirectaddr,$formvars, $formfiles); } } } if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes && count($this->_frameurls) > 0) { $frameurls = $this->_frameurls; $this->_frameurls = array(); while(list(,$frameurl) = each($frameurls)) { if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) { $this->fetch($frameurl); $this->_framedepth++; } else break; } } } else { return false; } return true; break; case "https": if(!$this->curl_path) return false; if(function_exists("is_executable")) if (!is_executable($this->curl_path)) return false; $this->host = $URI_PARTS["host"]; if(!empty($URI_PARTS["port"])) $this->port = $URI_PARTS["port"]; if($this->_isproxy) { // using proxy, send entire URI $this->_httpsrequest($URI, $URI, $this->_submit_method, $this->_submit_type, $postdata); } else { $path = $URI_PARTS["path"].($URI_PARTS["query"] ? "?".$URI_PARTS["query"] : ""); // no proxy, send only the path $this->_httpsrequest($path, $URI, $this->_submit_method, $this->_submit_type, $postdata); } if($this->_redirectaddr) { /* url was redirected, check if we've hit the max depth */ if($this->maxredirs > $this->_redirectdepth) { if(!preg_match("|^".$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://|", $this->_redirectaddr)) $this->_redirectaddr = $this->_expandlinks($this->_redirectaddr,$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$URI_PARTS["host"]); // only follow redirect if it's on this site, or offsiteok is true if(preg_match("|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i",$this->_redirectaddr) || $this->offsiteok) { /* follow the redirect */ $this->_redirectdepth++; $this->lastredirectaddr=$this->_redirectaddr; if( strpos( $this->_redirectaddr, "?" ) > 0 ) $this->fetch($this->_redirectaddr); // the redirect has changed the request method from post to get else $this->submit($this->_redirectaddr,$formvars, $formfiles); } } } if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes && count($this->_frameurls) > 0) { $frameurls = $this->_frameurls; $this->_frameurls = array(); while(list(,$frameurl) = each($frameurls)) { if($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) { $this->fetch($frameurl); $this->_framedepth++; } else break; } } return true; break; default: // not a valid protocol $this->error = 'Invalid protocol "'.$URI_PARTS["scheme"].'"\n'; return false; break; } return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: fetchlinks Purpose: fetch the links from a web page Input: $URI where you are fetching from Output: $this->results an array of the URLs \*======================================================================*/ function fetchlinks($URI) { if ($this->fetch($URI)) { if($this->lastredirectaddr) $URI = $this->lastredirectaddr; if(is_array($this->results)) { for($x=0;$x<count($this->results);$x++) $this->results[$x] = $this->_striplinks($this->results[$x]); } else $this->results = $this->_striplinks($this->results); if($this->expandlinks) $this->results = $this->_expandlinks($this->results, $URI); return true; } else return false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: fetchform Purpose: fetch the form elements from a web page Input: $URI where you are fetching from Output: $this->results the resulting html form \*======================================================================*/ function fetchform($URI) { if ($this->fetch($URI)) { if(is_array($this->results)) { for($x=0;$x<count($this->results);$x++) $this->results[$x] = $this->_stripform($this->results[$x]); } else $this->results = $this->_stripform($this->results); return true; } else return false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: fetchtext Purpose: fetch the text from a web page, stripping the links Input: $URI where you are fetching from Output: $this->results the text from the web page \*======================================================================*/ function fetchtext($URI) { if($this->fetch($URI)) { if(is_array($this->results)) { for($x=0;$x<count($this->results);$x++) $this->results[$x] = $this->_striptext($this->results[$x]); } else $this->results = $this->_striptext($this->results); return true; } else return false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: submitlinks Purpose: grab links from a form submission Input: $URI where you are submitting from Output: $this->results an array of the links from the post \*======================================================================*/ function submitlinks($URI, $formvars="", $formfiles="") { if($this->submit($URI,$formvars, $formfiles)) { if($this->lastredirectaddr) $URI = $this->lastredirectaddr; if(is_array($this->results)) { for($x=0;$x<count($this->results);$x++) { $this->results[$x] = $this->_striplinks($this->results[$x]); if($this->expandlinks) $this->results[$x] = $this->_expandlinks($this->results[$x],$URI); } } else { $this->results = $this->_striplinks($this->results); if($this->expandlinks) $this->results = $this->_expandlinks($this->results,$URI); } return true; } else return false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: submittext Purpose: grab text from a form submission Input: $URI where you are submitting from Output: $this->results the text from the web page \*======================================================================*/ function submittext($URI, $formvars = "", $formfiles = "") { if($this->submit($URI,$formvars, $formfiles)) { if($this->lastredirectaddr) $URI = $this->lastredirectaddr; if(is_array($this->results)) { for($x=0;$x<count($this->results);$x++) { $this->results[$x] = $this->_striptext($this->results[$x]); if($this->expandlinks) $this->results[$x] = $this->_expandlinks($this->results[$x],$URI); } } else { $this->results = $this->_striptext($this->results); if($this->expandlinks) $this->results = $this->_expandlinks($this->results,$URI); } return true; } else return false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: set_submit_multipart Purpose: Set the form submission content type to multipart/form-data \*======================================================================*/ function set_submit_multipart() { $this->_submit_type = "multipart/form-data"; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: set_submit_normal Purpose: Set the form submission content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded \*======================================================================*/ function set_submit_normal() { $this->_submit_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } /*======================================================================*\ Private functions \*======================================================================*/ /*======================================================================*\ Function: _striplinks Purpose: strip the hyperlinks from an html document Input: $document document to strip. Output: $match an array of the links \*======================================================================*/ function _striplinks($document) { preg_match_all("'<\s*a\s.*?href\s*=\s* # find <a href= ([\"\'])? # find single or double quote (?(1) (.*?)\\1 | ([^\s\>]+)) # if quote found, match up to next matching # quote, otherwise match up to next space 'isx",$document,$links); // catenate the non-empty matches from the conditional subpattern while(list($key,$val) = each($links[2])) { if(!empty($val)) $match[] = $val; } while(list($key,$val) = each($links[3])) { if(!empty($val)) $match[] = $val; } // return the links return $match; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _stripform Purpose: strip the form elements from an html document Input: $document document to strip. Output: $match an array of the links \*======================================================================*/ function _stripform($document) { preg_match_all("'<\/?(FORM|INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|(OPTION))[^<>]*>(?(2)(.*(?=<\/?(option|select)[^<>]*>[\r\n]*)|(?=[\r\n]*))|(?=[\r\n]*))'Usi",$document,$elements); // catenate the matches $match = implode("\r\n",$elements[0]); // return the links return $match; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _striptext Purpose: strip the text from an html document Input: $document document to strip. Output: $text the resulting text \*======================================================================*/ function _striptext($document) { // I didn't use preg eval (//e) since that is only available in PHP 4.0. // so, list your entities one by one here. I included some of the // more common ones. $search = array("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", // strip out javascript "'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", // strip out html tags "'([\r\n])[\s]+'", // strip out white space "'&(quot|#34|#034|#x22);'i", // replace html entities "'&(amp|#38|#038|#x26);'i", // added hexadecimal values "'&(lt|#60|#060|#x3c);'i", "'&(gt|#62|#062|#x3e);'i", "'&(nbsp|#160|#xa0);'i", "'&(iexcl|#161);'i", "'&(cent|#162);'i", "'&(pound|#163);'i", "'&(copy|#169);'i", "'&(reg|#174);'i", "'&(deg|#176);'i", "'&(#39|#039|#x27);'", "'&(euro|#8364);'i", // europe "'&a(uml|UML);'", // german "'&o(uml|UML);'", "'&u(uml|UML);'", "'&A(uml|UML);'", "'&O(uml|UML);'", "'&U(uml|UML);'", "'ß'i", ); $replace = array( "", "", "\\1", "\"", "&", "<", ">", " ", chr(161), chr(162), chr(163), chr(169), chr(174), chr(176), chr(39), chr(128), "�", "�", "�", "�", "�", "�", "�", ); $text = preg_replace($search,$replace,$document); return $text; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _expandlinks Purpose: expand each link into a fully qualified URL Input: $links the links to qualify $URI the full URI to get the base from Output: $expandedLinks the expanded links \*======================================================================*/ function _expandlinks($links,$URI) { preg_match("/^[^\?]+/",$URI,$match); $match = preg_replace("|/[^\/\.]+\.[^\/\.]+$|","",$match[0]); $match = preg_replace("|/$|","",$match); $match_part = parse_url($match); $match_root = $match_part["scheme"]."://".$match_part["host"]; $search = array( "|^http://".preg_quote($this->host)."|i", "|^(\/)|i", "|^(?!http://)(?!mailto:)|i", "|/\./|", "|/[^\/]+/\.\./|" ); $replace = array( "", $match_root."/", $match."/", "/", "/" ); $expandedLinks = preg_replace($search,$replace,$links); return $expandedLinks; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _httprequest Purpose: go get the http data from the server Input: $url the url to fetch $fp the current open file pointer $URI the full URI $body body contents to send if any (POST) Output: \*======================================================================*/ function _httprequest($url,$fp,$URI,$http_method,$content_type="",$body="") { $cookie_headers = ''; if($this->passcookies && $this->_redirectaddr) $this->setcookies(); $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI); if(empty($url)) $url = "/"; $headers = $http_method." ".$url." ".$this->_httpversion."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->agent)) $headers .= "User-Agent: ".$this->agent."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->host) && !isset($this->rawheaders['Host'])) { $headers .= "Host: ".$this->host; if(!empty($this->port)) $headers .= ":".$this->port; $headers .= "\r\n"; } if(!empty($this->accept)) $headers .= "Accept: ".$this->accept."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->referer)) $headers .= "Referer: ".$this->referer."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->cookies)) { if(!is_array($this->cookies)) $this->cookies = (array)$this->cookies; reset($this->cookies); if ( count($this->cookies) > 0 ) { $cookie_headers .= 'Cookie: '; foreach ( $this->cookies as $cookieKey => $cookieVal ) { $cookie_headers .= $cookieKey."=".urlencode($cookieVal)."; "; } $headers .= substr($cookie_headers,0,-2) . "\r\n"; } } if(!empty($this->rawheaders)) { if(!is_array($this->rawheaders)) $this->rawheaders = (array)$this->rawheaders; while(list($headerKey,$headerVal) = each($this->rawheaders)) $headers .= $headerKey.": ".$headerVal."\r\n"; } if(!empty($content_type)) { $headers .= "Content-type: $content_type"; if ($content_type == "multipart/form-data") $headers .= "; boundary=".$this->_mime_boundary; $headers .= "\r\n"; } if(!empty($body)) $headers .= "Content-length: ".strlen($body)."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->user) || !empty($this->pass)) $headers .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->user.":".$this->pass)."\r\n"; //add proxy auth headers if(!empty($this->proxy_user)) $headers .= 'Proxy-Authorization: ' . 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->proxy_user . ':' . $this->proxy_pass)."\r\n"; $headers .= "\r\n"; // set the read timeout if needed if ($this->read_timeout > 0) socket_set_timeout($fp, $this->read_timeout); $this->timed_out = false; fwrite($fp,$headers.$body,strlen($headers.$body)); $this->_redirectaddr = false; unset($this->headers); while($currentHeader = fgets($fp,$this->_maxlinelen)) { if ($this->read_timeout > 0 && $this->_check_timeout($fp)) { $this->status=-100; return false; } if($currentHeader == "\r\n") break; // if a header begins with Location: or URI:, set the redirect if(preg_match("/^(Location:|URI:)/i",$currentHeader)) { // get URL portion of the redirect preg_match("/^(Location:|URI:)[ ]+(.*)/i",chop($currentHeader),$matches); // look for :// in the Location header to see if hostname is included if(!preg_match("|\:\/\/|",$matches[2])) { // no host in the path, so prepend $this->_redirectaddr = $URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host.":".$this->port; // eliminate double slash if(!preg_match("|^/|",$matches[2])) $this->_redirectaddr .= "/".$matches[2]; else $this->_redirectaddr .= $matches[2]; } else $this->_redirectaddr = $matches[2]; } if(preg_match("|^HTTP/|",$currentHeader)) { if(preg_match("|^HTTP/[^\s]*\s(.*?)\s|",$currentHeader, $status)) { $this->status= $status[1]; } $this->response_code = $currentHeader; } $this->headers[] = $currentHeader; } $results = ''; do { $_data = fread($fp, $this->maxlength); if (strlen($_data) == 0) { break; } $results .= $_data; } while(true); if ($this->read_timeout > 0 && $this->_check_timeout($fp)) { $this->status=-100; return false; } // check if there is a a redirect meta tag if(preg_match("'<meta[\s]*http-equiv[^>]*?content[\s]*=[\s]*[\"\']?\d+;[\s]*URL[\s]*=[\s]*([^\"\']*?)[\"\']?>'i",$results,$match)) { $this->_redirectaddr = $this->_expandlinks($match[1],$URI); } // have we hit our frame depth and is there frame src to fetch? if(($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) && preg_match_all("'<frame\s+.*src[\s]*=[\'\"]?([^\'\"\>]+)'i",$results,$match)) { $this->results[] = $results; for($x=0; $x<count($match[1]); $x++) $this->_frameurls[] = $this->_expandlinks($match[1][$x],$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host); } // have we already fetched framed content? elseif(is_array($this->results)) $this->results[] = $results; // no framed content else $this->results = $results; return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _httpsrequest Purpose: go get the https data from the server using curl Input: $url the url to fetch $URI the full URI $body body contents to send if any (POST) Output: \*======================================================================*/ function _httpsrequest($url,$URI,$http_method,$content_type="",$body="") { if($this->passcookies && $this->_redirectaddr) $this->setcookies(); $headers = array(); $URI_PARTS = parse_url($URI); if(empty($url)) $url = "/"; // GET ... header not needed for curl //$headers[] = $http_method." ".$url." ".$this->_httpversion; if(!empty($this->agent)) $headers[] = "User-Agent: ".$this->agent; if(!empty($this->host)) if(!empty($this->port)) $headers[] = "Host: ".$this->host.":".$this->port; else $headers[] = "Host: ".$this->host; if(!empty($this->accept)) $headers[] = "Accept: ".$this->accept; if(!empty($this->referer)) $headers[] = "Referer: ".$this->referer; if(!empty($this->cookies)) { if(!is_array($this->cookies)) $this->cookies = (array)$this->cookies; reset($this->cookies); if ( count($this->cookies) > 0 ) { $cookie_str = 'Cookie: '; foreach ( $this->cookies as $cookieKey => $cookieVal ) { $cookie_str .= $cookieKey."=".urlencode($cookieVal)."; "; } $headers[] = substr($cookie_str,0,-2); } } if(!empty($this->rawheaders)) { if(!is_array($this->rawheaders)) $this->rawheaders = (array)$this->rawheaders; while(list($headerKey,$headerVal) = each($this->rawheaders)) $headers[] = $headerKey.": ".$headerVal; } if(!empty($content_type)) { if ($content_type == "multipart/form-data") $headers[] = "Content-type: $content_type; boundary=".$this->_mime_boundary; else $headers[] = "Content-type: $content_type"; } if(!empty($body)) $headers[] = "Content-length: ".strlen($body); if(!empty($this->user) || !empty($this->pass)) $headers[] = "Authorization: BASIC ".base64_encode($this->user.":".$this->pass); for($curr_header = 0; $curr_header < count($headers); $curr_header++) { $safer_header = strtr( $headers[$curr_header], "\"", " " ); $cmdline_params .= " -H \"".$safer_header."\""; } if(!empty($body)) $cmdline_params .= " -d \"$body\""; if($this->read_timeout > 0) $cmdline_params .= " -m ".$this->read_timeout; $headerfile = tempnam($temp_dir, "sno"); exec($this->curl_path." -k -D \"$headerfile\"".$cmdline_params." \"".escapeshellcmd($URI)."\"",$results,$return); if($return) { $this->error = "Error: cURL could not retrieve the document, error $return."; return false; } $results = implode("\r\n",$results); $result_headers = file("$headerfile"); $this->_redirectaddr = false; unset($this->headers); for($currentHeader = 0; $currentHeader < count($result_headers); $currentHeader++) { // if a header begins with Location: or URI:, set the redirect if(preg_match("/^(Location: |URI: )/i",$result_headers[$currentHeader])) { // get URL portion of the redirect preg_match("/^(Location: |URI:)\s+(.*)/",chop($result_headers[$currentHeader]),$matches); // look for :// in the Location header to see if hostname is included if(!preg_match("|\:\/\/|",$matches[2])) { // no host in the path, so prepend $this->_redirectaddr = $URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host.":".$this->port; // eliminate double slash if(!preg_match("|^/|",$matches[2])) $this->_redirectaddr .= "/".$matches[2]; else $this->_redirectaddr .= $matches[2]; } else $this->_redirectaddr = $matches[2]; } if(preg_match("|^HTTP/|",$result_headers[$currentHeader])) $this->response_code = $result_headers[$currentHeader]; $this->headers[] = $result_headers[$currentHeader]; } // check if there is a a redirect meta tag if(preg_match("'<meta[\s]*http-equiv[^>]*?content[\s]*=[\s]*[\"\']?\d+;[\s]*URL[\s]*=[\s]*([^\"\']*?)[\"\']?>'i",$results,$match)) { $this->_redirectaddr = $this->_expandlinks($match[1],$URI); } // have we hit our frame depth and is there frame src to fetch? if(($this->_framedepth < $this->maxframes) && preg_match_all("'<frame\s+.*src[\s]*=[\'\"]?([^\'\"\>]+)'i",$results,$match)) { $this->results[] = $results; for($x=0; $x<count($match[1]); $x++) $this->_frameurls[] = $this->_expandlinks($match[1][$x],$URI_PARTS["scheme"]."://".$this->host); } // have we already fetched framed content? elseif(is_array($this->results)) $this->results[] = $results; // no framed content else $this->results = $results; unlink("$headerfile"); return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: setcookies() Purpose: set cookies for a redirection \*======================================================================*/ function setcookies() { for($x=0; $x<count($this->headers); $x++) { if(preg_match('/^set-cookie:[\s]+([^=]+)=([^;]+)/i', $this->headers[$x],$match)) $this->cookies[$match[1]] = urldecode($match[2]); } } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _check_timeout Purpose: checks whether timeout has occurred Input: $fp file pointer \*======================================================================*/ function _check_timeout($fp) { if ($this->read_timeout > 0) { $fp_status = socket_get_status($fp); if ($fp_status["timed_out"]) { $this->timed_out = true; return true; } } return false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _connect Purpose: make a socket connection Input: $fp file pointer \*======================================================================*/ function _connect(&$fp) { if(!empty($this->proxy_host) && !empty($this->proxy_port)) { $this->_isproxy = true; $host = $this->proxy_host; $port = $this->proxy_port; } else { $host = $this->host; $port = $this->port; } $this->status = 0; if($fp = fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->_fp_timeout )) { // socket connection succeeded return true; } else { // socket connection failed $this->status = $errno; switch($errno) { case -3: $this->error="socket creation failed (-3)"; case -4: $this->error="dns lookup failure (-4)"; case -5: $this->error="connection refused or timed out (-5)"; default: $this->error="connection failed (".$errno.")"; } return false; } } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _disconnect Purpose: disconnect a socket connection Input: $fp file pointer \*======================================================================*/ function _disconnect($fp) { return(fclose($fp)); } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _prepare_post_body Purpose: Prepare post body according to encoding type Input: $formvars - form variables $formfiles - form upload files Output: post body \*======================================================================*/ function _prepare_post_body($formvars, $formfiles) { settype($formvars, "array"); settype($formfiles, "array"); $postdata = ''; if (count($formvars) == 0 && count($formfiles) == 0) return; switch ($this->_submit_type) { case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": reset($formvars); while(list($key,$val) = each($formvars)) { if (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) { while (list($cur_key, $cur_val) = each($val)) { $postdata .= urlencode($key)."[]=".urlencode($cur_val)."&"; } } else $postdata .= urlencode($key)."=".urlencode($val)."&"; } break; case "multipart/form-data": $this->_mime_boundary = "Snoopy".md5(uniqid(microtime())); reset($formvars); while(list($key,$val) = each($formvars)) { if (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) { while (list($cur_key, $cur_val) = each($val)) { $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."\r\n"; $postdata .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$key\[\]\"\r\n\r\n"; $postdata .= "$cur_val\r\n"; } } else { $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."\r\n"; $postdata .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$key\"\r\n\r\n"; $postdata .= "$val\r\n"; } } reset($formfiles); while (list($field_name, $file_names) = each($formfiles)) { settype($file_names, "array"); while (list(, $file_name) = each($file_names)) { if (!is_readable($file_name)) continue; $fp = fopen($file_name, "r"); $file_content = fread($fp, filesize($file_name)); fclose($fp); $base_name = basename($file_name); $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."\r\n"; $postdata .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$field_name\"; filename=\"$base_name\"\r\n\r\n"; $postdata .= "$file_content\r\n"; } } $postdata .= "--".$this->_mime_boundary."--\r\n"; break; } return $postdata; } } ?>
<?php /** * 织梦HTTP下载类 * * @version $Id: dedehttpdown.class.php 1 11:42 2010年7月6日Z tianya $ * @package DedeCMS.Libraries * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, DesDev, Inc. * @license http://help.dedecms.com/usersguide/license.html * @link http://www.dedecms.com */ @set_time_limit(0); class DedeHttpDown { var $m_url = ''; var $m_urlpath = ''; var $m_scheme = 'http'; var $m_host = ''; var $m_port = '80'; var $m_user = ''; var $m_pass = ''; var $m_path = '/'; var $m_query = ''; var $m_fp = ''; var $m_error = ''; var $m_httphead = ''; var $m_html = ''; var $m_puthead = ''; var $BaseUrlPath = ''; var $HomeUrl = ''; var $reTry = 0; var $JumpCount = 0; /** * 初始化系统 * * @access public * @param string $url 需要下载的地址 * @return string */ function PrivateInit($url) { if($url=='') { return ; } $urls = ''; $urls = @parse_url($url); $this->m_url = $url; if(is_array($urls)) { $this->m_host = $urls["host"]; if(!empty($urls["scheme"])) { $this->m_scheme = $urls["scheme"]; } if(!empty($urls["user"])) { $this->m_user = $urls["user"]; } if(!empty($urls["pass"])) { $this->m_pass = $urls["pass"]; } if(!empty($urls["port"])) { $this->m_port = $urls["port"]; } if(!empty($urls["path"])) { $this->m_path = $urls["path"]; } $this->m_urlpath = $this->m_path; if(!empty($urls["query"])) { $this->m_query = $urls["query"]; $this->m_urlpath .= "?".$this->m_query; } $this->HomeUrl = $urls["host"]; $this->BaseUrlPath = $this->HomeUrl.$urls["path"]; $this->BaseUrlPath = preg_replace("/\/([^\/]*)\.(.*)$/","/",$this->BaseUrlPath); $this->BaseUrlPath = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$this->BaseUrlPath); } } /** * 重设各参数 * * @access public * @return void */ function ResetAny() { $this->m_url = ""; $this->m_urlpath = ""; $this->m_scheme = "http"; $this->m_host = ""; $this->m_port = "80"; $this->m_user = ""; $this->m_pass = ""; $this->m_path = "/"; $this->m_query = ""; $this->m_error = ""; } /** * 打开指定网址 * * @access public * @param string $url 地址 * @param string $requestType 请求类型 * @return string */ function OpenUrl($url,$requestType="GET") { $this->ResetAny(); $this->JumpCount = 0; $this->m_httphead = Array() ; $this->m_html = ''; $this->reTry = 0; $this->Close(); //初始化系统 $this->PrivateInit($url); $this->PrivateStartSession($requestType); } /** * 转到303重定向网址 * * @access public * @param string $url 地址 * @return string */ function JumpOpenUrl($url) { $this->ResetAny(); $this->JumpCount++; $this->m_httphead = Array() ; $this->m_html = ""; $this->Close(); //初始化系统 $this->PrivateInit($url); $this->PrivateStartSession('GET'); } /** * 获得某操作错误的原因 * * @access public * @return void */ function printError() { echo "错误信息:".$this->m_error; echo "<br/>具体返回头:<br/>"; foreach($this->m_httphead as $k=>$v){ echo "$k => $v <br/>\r\n"; } } /** * 判别用Get方法发送的头的应答结果是否正确 * * @access public * @return bool */ function IsGetOK() { if( preg_match("/^2/",$this->GetHead("http-state")) ) { return TRUE; } else { $this->m_error .= $this->GetHead("http-state")." - ".$this->GetHead("http-describe")."<br/>"; return FALSE; } } /** * 看看返回的网页是否是text类型 * * @access public * @return bool */ function IsText() { if( preg_match("/^2/",$this->GetHead("http-state")) && preg_match("/text|xml/i",$this->GetHead("content-type")) ) { return TRUE; } else { $this->m_error .= "内容为非文本类型或网址重定向<br/>"; return FALSE; } } /** * 判断返回的网页是否是特定的类型 * * @access public * @param string $ctype 内容类型 * @return string */ function IsContentType($ctype) { if(preg_match("/^2/",$this->GetHead("http-state")) && $this->GetHead("content-type")==strtolower($ctype)) { return TRUE; } else { $this->m_error .= "类型不对 ".$this->GetHead("content-type")."<br/>"; return FALSE; } } /** * 用Http协议下载文件 * * @access public * @param string $savefilename 保存文件名称 * @return string */ function SaveToBin($savefilename) { if(!$this->IsGetOK()) { return FALSE; } if(@feof($this->m_fp)) { $this->m_error = "连接已经关闭!"; return FALSE; } $fp = fopen($savefilename,"w"); while(!feof($this->m_fp)) { fwrite($fp, fread($this->m_fp, 1024)); } fclose($this->m_fp); fclose($fp); return TRUE; } /** * 保存网页内容为Text文件 * * @access public * @param string $savefilename 保存文件名称 * @return string */ function SaveToText($savefilename) { if($this->IsText()) { $this->SaveBinFile($savefilename); } else { return ""; } } /** * 用Http协议获得一个网页的内容 * * @access public * @return string */ function GetHtml() { if(!$this->IsText()) { return ''; } if($this->m_html!='') { return $this->m_html; } if(!$this->m_fp||@feof($this->m_fp)) { return ''; } while(!feof($this->m_fp)) { $this->m_html .= fgets($this->m_fp,256); } @fclose($this->m_fp); return $this->m_html; } /** * 开始HTTP会话 * * @access public * @param string $requestType 请求类型 * @return string */ function PrivateStartSession($requestType="GET") { if(!$this->PrivateOpenHost()) { $this->m_error .= "打开远程主机出错!"; return FALSE; } $this->reTry++; if($this->GetHead("http-edition")=="HTTP/1.1") { $httpv = "HTTP/1.1"; } else { $httpv = "HTTP/1.0"; } $ps = explode('?',$this->m_urlpath); $headString = ''; //发送固定的起始请求头GET、Host信息 if($requestType=="GET") { $headString .= "GET ".$this->m_urlpath." $httpv\r\n"; } else { $headString .= "POST ".$ps[0]." $httpv\r\n"; } $this->m_puthead["Host"] = $this->m_host; //发送用户自定义的请求头 if(!isset($this->m_puthead["Accept"])) { $this->m_puthead["Accept"] = "*/*"; } if(!isset($this->m_puthead["User-Agent"])) { $this->m_puthead["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2)"; } if(!isset($this->m_puthead["Refer"])) { $this->m_puthead["Refer"] = "http://".$this->m_puthead["Host"]; } foreach($this->m_puthead as $k=>$v) { $k = trim($k); $v = trim($v); if($k!=""&&$v!="") { $headString .= "$k: $v\r\n"; } } fputs($this->m_fp, $headString); if($requestType=="POST") { $postdata = ""; if(count($ps)>1) { for($i=1;$i<count($ps);$i++) { $postdata .= $ps[$i]; } } else { $postdata = "OK"; } $plen = strlen($postdata); fputs($this->m_fp,"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fputs($this->m_fp,"Content-Length: $plen\r\n"); } //发送固定的结束请求头 //HTTP1.1协议必须指定文档结束后关闭链接,否则读取文档时无法使用feof判断结束 if($httpv=="HTTP/1.1") { fputs($this->m_fp,"Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"); } else { fputs($this->m_fp,"\r\n"); } if($requestType=="POST") { fputs($this->m_fp,$postdata); } //获取应答头状态信息 $httpstas = explode(" ",fgets($this->m_fp,256)); $this->m_httphead["http-edition"] = trim($httpstas[0]); $this->m_httphead["http-state"] = trim($httpstas[1]); $this->m_httphead["http-describe"] = ""; for($i=2;$i<count($httpstas);$i++) { $this->m_httphead["http-describe"] .= " ".trim($httpstas[$i]); } //获取详细应答头 while(!feof($this->m_fp)) { $line = trim(fgets($this->m_fp,256)); if($line == "") { break; } $hkey = ""; $hvalue = ""; $v = 0; for($i=0;$i<strlen($line);$i++) { if($v==1) { $hvalue .= $line[$i]; } if($line[$i]==":") { $v = 1; } if($v==0) { $hkey .= $line[$i]; } } $hkey = trim($hkey); if($hkey!="") { $this->m_httphead[strtolower($hkey)] = trim($hvalue); } } //如果连接被不正常关闭,重试 if(feof($this->m_fp)) { if($this->reTry > 10) { return FALSE; } $this->PrivateStartSession($requestType); } //判断是否是3xx开头的应答 if(preg_match("/^3/",$this->m_httphead["http-state"])) { if($this->JumpCount > 3) { return; } if(isset($this->m_httphead["location"])) { $newurl = $this->m_httphead["location"]; if(preg_match("/^http/i",$newurl)) { $this->JumpOpenUrl($newurl); } else { $newurl = $this->FillUrl($newurl); $this->JumpOpenUrl($newurl); } } else { $this->m_error = "无法识别的答复!"; } } } /** * 获得一个Http头的值 * * @access public * @param string $headname 头文件名称 * @return string */ function GetHead($headname) { $headname = strtolower($headname); return isset($this->m_httphead[$headname]) ? $this->m_httphead[$headname] : ''; } /** * 设置Http头的值 * * @access public * @param string $skey 键 * @param string $svalue 值 * @return string */ function SetHead($skey,$svalue) { $this->m_puthead[$skey] = $svalue; } /** * 打开连接 * * @access public * @return bool */ function PrivateOpenHost() { if($this->m_host=="") { return FALSE; } $errno = ""; $errstr = ""; $this->m_fp = @fsockopen($this->m_host, $this->m_port, $errno, $errstr,10); if(!$this->m_fp) { $this->m_error = $errstr; return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /** * 关闭连接 * * @access public * @return void */ function Close() { @fclose($this->m_fp); } /** * 补全相对网址 * * @access public * @param string $surl 需要不全的地址 * @return string */ function FillUrl($surl) { $i = 0; $dstr = ""; $pstr = ""; $okurl = ""; $pathStep = 0; $surl = trim($surl); if($surl=="") { return ""; } $pos = strpos($surl,"#"); if($pos>0) { $surl = substr($surl,0,$pos); } if($surl[0]=="/") { $okurl = "http://".$this->HomeUrl.$surl; } else if($surl[0]==".") { if(strlen($surl)<=1) { return ""; } else if($surl[1]=="/") { $okurl = "http://".$this->BaseUrlPath."/".substr($surl,2,strlen($surl)-2); } else { $urls = explode("/",$surl); foreach($urls as $u) { if($u=="..") { $pathStep++; } else if($i<count($urls)-1) { $dstr .= $urls[$i]."/"; } else { $dstr .= $urls[$i]; } $i++; } $urls = explode("/",$this->BaseUrlPath); if(count($urls) <= $pathStep) { return ""; } else { $pstr = "http://"; for($i=0;$i<count($urls)-$pathStep;$i++) { $pstr .= $urls[$i]."/"; } $okurl = $pstr.$dstr; } } } else { if(strlen($surl)<7) { $okurl = "http://".$this->BaseUrlPath."/".$surl; } else if(strtolower(substr($surl,0,7))=="http://") { $okurl = $surl; } else { $okurl = "http://".$this->BaseUrlPath."/".$surl; } } $okurl = preg_replace("/^(http:\/\/)/i","",$okurl); $okurl = preg_replace("/\/{1,}/", "/", $okurl); return "http://".$okurl; } }//End Class