使用Control Sets 下的 ProgressBar - Responsive Loop控件
ProcessBar 或者 CancelBar 都可以被设置为 invisible
1 $OnLoadFormEvent = { 2 #TODO: Initialize Form Controls here 3 4 } 5 6 7 $buttonCancelProcess_Click = { 8 $script:CancelLoop = $true 9 } 10 11 $buttonStartProcess_Click = { 12 #Init CancelLoop 13 $script:CancelLoop = $false 14 $buttonCancelProcess.Enabled = $true 15 #Disable the button so we don't trigger it again 16 $this.Enabled = $false 17 #Reset the Progress Bar 18 $progressbar1.Value = 0 19 20 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $progressbar1.Maximum; $i++) 21 { 22 #---------------------------------------- 23 #Place custom script here 24 $richtextbox1.AppendText($i.ToString() + "`r`n") 25 sleep -Seconds 1 26 #---------------------------------------- 27 #process the pending message 28 [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents() 29 30 if ($script:CancelLoop -eq $true) 31 { 32 #Clear the progress bar 33 $progressbar1.Value = 0 34 #Exit the loop 35 break; 36 } 37 #Step the progress bar 38 $progressbar1.PerformStep() 39 } 40 41 #Enable the button so we can click it again 42 $this.Enabled = $true 43 $buttonCancelProcess.Enabled = $false 44 } 45 46 $richtextbox1_TextChanged={ 47 #TODO: Place custom script here 48 $richtextbox1.ScrollToCaret() 49 } 50 51 $buttonRunProcess_Click={ 52 $buttonRunProcess.Enabled = $false 53 #TODO: Set the process path there 54 Add-ProcessTracker -FilePath "$env:windir/System32/notepad.exe" ` 55 -CompletedScript { 56 $buttonRunProcess.Enabled = $true 57 $buttonRunProcess.ImageIndex = -1 58 }` 59 -UpdateScript { 60 #Animate the Button 61 if($buttonRunProcess.ImageList -ne $null) 62 { 63 if($buttonRunProcess.ImageIndex -lt $buttonRunProcess.ImageList.Images.Count - 1) 64 { 65 $buttonRunProcess.ImageIndex += 1 66 } 67 else 68 { 69 $buttonRunProcess.ImageIndex = 0 70 } 71 } 72 } 73 }
进度条显示代码(同样是使用Control Sets 下的 ProgressBar - Responsive Loop控件),代码如下:
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 100; $i++)
$progressbar1.Minimum = 0
$progressbar1.Maximum = 99
$progressbar1.Value = $i
#Start-Sleep 1