yum -y install qemu-guest-agent
yum -y install cloud-init
systemctl enable cloud-init-local.service
systemctl start cloud-init-local.service
systemctl enable cloud-init.service
systemctl start cloud-init.service
systemctl enable cloud-config.service
systemctl start cloud-config.service
systemctl enable cloud-final.service
systemctl start cloud-final.service
cloud-init init --local #检查是否可用
配置完成后关机,删除硬件网卡,添加 Cloud-Init 硬件,然后转换为模板
qm set 1003 --ide2 local-lvm:cloudinit
#!/bin/bash #Function:Clone 1 vm from template host='' vmname='vmtest02' cpu_cores=8 memory_size=16384 ip='' vlanid=26 description='description' #get vm max id pve_id_max=`qm list |awk '{print $1}' |tail -n 1` pve_vm_id=`expr $pve_id_max + 1` #get cpu cores every cpu socket cpu_cores_1=`expr $cpu_cores / 2` storage=`echo $host |awk -F . '{print "dir-"$4}'` ip_netmask="$ip/24" gateway=`echo $ip |awk -F . '{print $1"."$2"."$3".254"}'` vm_hostname="$vmname-$ip" #clone vm from template(100) qm clone 100 $pve_vm_id --name $vmname --full --format qcow2 --storage $storage #configure vm cpu cors and memory size if [ $cpu_cores -ne 4 -a $memory_size -ne 8192 ];then qm set $pve_vm_id --memory $memory_size --sockets 2 --cores $cpu_cores_1 fi #configure vm description if [ $description ];then qm set $pve_vm_id --description=$description fi qm set $pve_vm_id --onboot #开机自启动
qm set $pve_vm_id --agent #启用vm agent qm set $pve_vm_id --localtime 1 #linux虚机默认为0,会使用utc时间,需要配置为1使用本地时间 qm set $pve_vm_id -net0 e1000,bridge=vmbr1,firewall=1,tag=$vlanid qm set $pve_vm_id --ipconfig0 ip=$ip_netmask,gw=$gateway
#qm set $pve_vm_id --cipassword:123456 --ciuser:root #为root设置密码 echo 'Start and init vm for about 5 minutes...' #删除clould-init硬件,修改虚机名称 qm start $pve_vm_id sleep 300 qm stop $pve_vm_id sleep 2 qm set $pve_vm_id --delete ide2 sleep 2 qm set $pve_vm_id --name $vm_hostname qm start $pve_vm_id