PHP的.NET编译器 Phalanger

Improve Performance

Compilation improves performance

Phalanger seamlessly compiles PHP code into .NET assemblies.

Thanks to compile-time analysis, Just-In-Time compiler and modern runtime implementation; execution of PHP scripts is safer and significantly faster! The process is very similar to how C# and ASP.NET work as developers are used to.

Integrate with .NET

.NET runtime with unique integration possibilities

  • PHP code running on Phalanger takes advantage of any .NET library. You can make use of C#/VB.NET/F# – any object/function will be seamlessly available in your PHP scripts.
  • Phalanger allows you to execute PHP scripts right inside a .NET language. Enhance your C# code with functionality written in PHP.

Use modern IDE

Integration with Visual Studio development environment

Phalanger Tools adds support of Phalanger into Visual Studio. In this way the integration of PHP with .NET and development experience itself are easier and saves your time.

Phalanger Tools for Visual Studio colorizes PHP scripts, shows code errors, allows you to compile and debug PHP code as you are used to and much more!

Phalanger 是PHP的.NET编译 器;也就是能将PHP程序代码编译成.NET平台的MSIL。Phalanger早在2005年就开始由一群捷克的计算机系学生动手开发。

Phalanger与PHP 5.0兼容,并且能结合PHP和.NET两者的对象,例如可以从.NET程序使用PHP开发的类库,或者以PHP程序使用C#或VB.NET开发的类库 (当然,这种PHP程序必须以Phalanger编译);Phalanger最广泛的应用就是将PHP网页编译成ASP.NET网页,此外也能够用PHP 编写WinForms程序。最近才发布的2.0测试版beta3的Phalanger,最大的改进是完整支持.NET Framework 2.0。

在CodeProject上有一篇文章介绍Phalanger, PHP for .NET: Introduction for .NET developers 。文章比较长,注意一点就是( 网站所使用的Wiki程序 DokuWiki 就是PHP程序通过Phalanger运行在.NET上,你应该很有兴趣去看看,感受一下.NET下的动态语言。



posted @ 2012-05-30 14:40  dream4u  阅读(454)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报