
cargo --version

[root@bogon ~]# cargo --version
cargo 1.47.0 (f3c7e066a 2020-08-28)
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@bogon ~]# 



使用 cargo 创建并构建一个完整的二进制可执行程序项目


[root@bogon data2]# mkdir rust
[root@bogon data2]# cd rust/
[root@bogon rust]# ls
[root@bogon rust]# cargo new app1 --bin
     Created binary (application) `app1` package
[root@bogon rust]# ls
[root@bogon rust]# tree -D app1/
|-- [Oct 23 16:33]  Cargo.toml
`-- [Oct 23 16:33]  src
    `-- [Oct 23 16:33]

1 directory, 2 files
[root@bogon rust]# 


通过上面的篇幅可知:cargo new 命令用于创建一个新项目,--bin 选项用于指示当前项目是一个 可执行的二进制程序 项目。

在 Cargo 中,通常把一个项目称之为 crates 

Rust 官方为 cargo 包管理器提供了中央托管网站。网站地址为。 我们可以从该网站上找到一些我们需要的第三方库或者一些有用的第三方项目。



[root@bogon app1]# ls
Cargo.toml  src
[root@bogon app1]# cat Cargo.toml 
name = "app1"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["xxx"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at

[root@bogon app1]# 



我们的 猜数字 游戏需要生成 随机数。 但是 Rust 语言核心和 Rust 标准库都没有提供生成随机数的的方法或结构体。

我们只能借助于 上其它开发者提供的第三方库或 crates

我们可以打开网站 并在顶部的搜索中输入 rand 然后回车来查找第三方随机数生成库。

从搜索的结果来看,由很多和随机数生成的相关库,不过我们只使用 rand

点击搜索结果中的 rand 会跳转到

下图是我们需要的 随机数生成库 rand 的基本信息截图。

external libraries

了解了 rand 的基本信息后,我们就可以修改 Cargo.toml 添加 rand 依赖了。

准确的说就是在 [dependencies] 节中添加 rand = "0.6.5"



[root@bogon app1]# cat Cargo.toml 
name = "app1"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [" "]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at

rand = "0.6.5"

三、 先预编译项目

对于 Rust / C / C++ 这种静态语言,先预编译一下应该是一种习惯。

因为预编译的时候会告诉我们项目配置是否正确,同时会下载第三方库,这样就可以 自动提示 了。

使用 cargo 创建的项目,我们可以在终端里输入 cargo build 来预编译下项目。


[root@bogon app1]# cargo build 
    Updating index
  Downloaded rand_chacha v0.1.1
  Downloaded rand_hc v0.1.0
  Downloaded rand_xorshift v0.1.1
  Downloaded rand_jitter v0.1.4
  Downloaded rand_isaac v0.1.1
  Downloaded autocfg v0.1.7
  Downloaded rand_core v0.3.1
  Downloaded rand_os v0.1.3
  Downloaded rand_pcg v0.1.2
  Downloaded rand v0.6.5
  Downloaded rand_core v0.4.2
  Downloaded 11 crates (249.3 KB) in 12.07s
   Compiling autocfg v0.1.7
   Compiling rand_core v0.4.2
   Compiling libc v0.2.79
   Compiling rand_core v0.3.1
   Compiling rand_jitter v0.1.4
   Compiling rand_isaac v0.1.1
   Compiling rand_xorshift v0.1.1
   Compiling rand_hc v0.1.0
   Compiling rand_pcg v0.1.2
   Compiling rand_chacha v0.1.1
   Compiling rand v0.6.5
   Compiling rand_os v0.1.3
   Compiling app1 v0.1.0 (/data2/rust/app1)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 15s
[root@bogon app1]# 
[root@bogon app1]# tree -D
|-- [Oct 23 16:39]  Cargo.lock
|-- [Oct 23 16:37]  Cargo.toml
|-- [Oct 23 16:33]  src
|   `-- [Oct 23 16:33]
`-- [Oct 23 16:39]  target
    |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  CACHEDIR.TAG
    `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  debug
        |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  app1
        |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  app1.d
        |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  libc-48c197210439ab2b
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build-script-build
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-48c197210439ab2b
        |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-48c197210439ab2b.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  libc-88ca55d88ca3404d
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  invoked.timestamp
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  out
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  output
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  root-output
        |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  stderr
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand-17b43e1f4f338ea3
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  invoked.timestamp
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  out
        |   |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  probe0.ll
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  output
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  root-output
        |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  stderr
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand-89f79ead84a8ac84
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build-script-build
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-89f79ead84a8ac84
        |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-89f79ead84a8ac84.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_chacha-94f70950fc64093e
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build-script-build
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-94f70950fc64093e
        |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-94f70950fc64093e.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_chacha-973a4c4c879b0b17
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  invoked.timestamp
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  out
        |   |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  probe0.ll
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  output
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  root-output
        |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  stderr
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_pcg-7736aaaf3fd4aa4e
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  invoked.timestamp
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  out
        |   |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  probe0.ll
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  output
        |   |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  root-output
        |   |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  stderr
        |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_pcg-9b895cf06b89458e
        |       |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build-script-build
        |       |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-9b895cf06b89458e
        |       `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  build_script_build-9b895cf06b89458e.d
        |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  deps
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  app1-edce79195f703d0b
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  app1-edce79195f703d0b.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  autocfg-6a5bbd19e854ddb5.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  libautocfg-6a5bbd19e854ddb5.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  libautocfg-6a5bbd19e854ddb5.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  libc-fc4c843f6fca6e5f.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  liblibc-fc4c843f6fca6e5f.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  liblibc-fc4c843f6fca6e5f.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand-99699316ef438a28.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand-99699316ef438a28.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_chacha-87ecff9cee2e0560.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_chacha-87ecff9cee2e0560.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_core-5e310b0d7db91be2.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_core-5e310b0d7db91be2.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_core-ce047d2d5f752996.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_core-ce047d2d5f752996.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_hc-3cf4e841d9674c6e.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_hc-3cf4e841d9674c6e.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_isaac-77b887c1d366684f.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_isaac-77b887c1d366684f.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_jitter-44c930d5cf687a04.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_jitter-44c930d5cf687a04.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_os-da217c76741d47d6.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_os-da217c76741d47d6.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_pcg-a6bd8f47682b15bb.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_pcg-a6bd8f47682b15bb.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_xorshift-306bdc86c1f9e8a3.rlib
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  librand_xorshift-306bdc86c1f9e8a3.rmeta
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand-99699316ef438a28.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_chacha-87ecff9cee2e0560.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_core-5e310b0d7db91be2.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_core-ce047d2d5f752996.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_hc-3cf4e841d9674c6e.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_isaac-77b887c1d366684f.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_jitter-44c930d5cf687a04.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_os-da217c76741d47d6.d
        |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_pcg-a6bd8f47682b15bb.d
        |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  rand_xorshift-306bdc86c1f9e8a3.d
        |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  examples
        `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  incremental
            `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  app1-1froeqw3vt1uy
                |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  s-fsdf9f4vs4-nluwcr-3vd0m9p0cpi2j
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  1capbncndx529ia9.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  2xlne85efcng7orr.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  4e6t7tsy2f7rnu07.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  4l3obphrj6hgkslq.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  4tchaufqhlp2f30q.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  4tm5eg7kw2ktz7ht.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  57s758bcpv2w4hik.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  dep-graph.bin
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  m8yt13xiixwxcbb.o
                |   |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  query-cache.bin
                |   `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  work-products.bin
                `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  s-fsdf9f4vs4-nluwcr.lock

21 directories, 87 files
[root@bogon app1]# ls
Cargo.lock  Cargo.toml  src  target
[root@bogon app1]# tree -D -L 2
|-- [Oct 23 16:39]  Cargo.lock
|-- [Oct 23 16:37]  Cargo.toml
|-- [Oct 23 16:33]  src
|   `-- [Oct 23 16:33]
`-- [Oct 23 16:39]  target
    |-- [Oct 23 16:39]  CACHEDIR.TAG
    `-- [Oct 23 16:39]  debug

3 directories, 4 files
[root@bogon app1]# 
[root@bogon app1]# cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/app1`
Hello, world!
[root@bogon app1]# 



[root@bogon app1]# cat src/ 
extern crate rand;
use rand::random;
fn main() {
    let correct:u8 = random();
    println!("correct value is {}",correct);
    println!("Hello, world!");
[root@bogon app1]# 



[root@bogon app1]# cargo build 
   Compiling app1 v0.1.0 (/data2/rust/app1)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.57s
[root@bogon app1]# cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/app1`
correct value is 141
Hello, world!
[root@bogon app1]# 



[root@bogon src]# mv
[root@bogon src]# cd -
[root@bogon app1]# cargo build 
error: failed to parse manifest at `/data2/rust/app1/Cargo.toml`

Caused by:
  no targets specified in the manifest
  either src/, src/, a [lib] section, or [[bin]] section must be present






[root@bogon target]# cd ../src/
[root@bogon src]# ls
[root@bogon src]# rustc
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `rand`
1 | extern crate rand;
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't find crate

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
[root@bogon src]# ls
[root@bogon src]# cat 
extern crate rand;
use rand::random;
fn main() {
    let correct:u8 = random();
    println!("correct value is {}",correct);
    println!("Hello, world!");
[root@bogon src]# 



要使用依赖项管理,您必须使用Cargo编译项目-只需使用cargo build /cargo run/ cargo test,一切就可以了。有关详细信息,请参见the Book。

但是,如果您出于某些原因想要直接使用rustc,无论如何,我建议您先使用cargo检查cargo build --verbose。它将显示所有已调用的命令,使您可以检查可能要手动定义的参数。


[root@bogon app1]# cat Cargo.toml 
name = "app1"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["magnate <>"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at

rand = "0.6.5"
name = "hell"
path = "src/"
[root@bogon app1]#


[root@bogon app1]# cargo build 
   Compiling app1 v0.1.0 (/data2/rust/app1)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.54s
[root@bogon app1]# find ./ -name hell*


posted on 2020-10-23 16:44  tycoon3  阅读(999)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
