ironic boot device

现在有两个ironic node, node82上成功运行裸金属,node187上没有,现在查看他们的boot device

[root@localhost workspace]# ironic node-list
The "ironic" CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the S* release. Please use the "openstack baremetal" CLI instead.
| UUID                                 | Name    | Instance UUID                        | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| dc7cd2f5-4380-4e64-8980-8545b2e3d5af | node82  | 812b09e7-ef5c-4c19-87cb-ee8c60e90070 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 3bc00f80-896a-4f6e-9a52-9d711eb66a7c | node187 | None                                 | power off   | available          | False       |
[root@localhost workspace]# ironic node-get-boot-device node82
The "ironic" CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the S* release. Please use the "openstack baremetal" CLI instead.
| Property    | Value |
| boot_device | disk  |
| persistent  | True  |
[root@localhost workspace]# ironic node-get-boot-device node187
The "ironic" CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the S* release. Please use the "openstack baremetal" CLI instead.
| Property    | Value |
| boot_device | pxe   |
| persistent  | False |
[root@localhost workspace]# 


posted on 2020-04-16 15:53  tycoon3  阅读(187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
