ModularityThe Importance Of Decoupling Your ApplicationWhen we say an application ismodular, we generally mean it's composed of a set of highly decoupled, distinct pieces of functionality stored in modules. As you probably know,loose couplingfacilitates easier maintainability of apps by removing 阅读全文
float is one of the most interesting and often-used CSS properties. It takes avalue of left, right, or none (though none, the default, is rarely used). floatforces the element to which it’s applied to display outside its natural position inthe containing box; a float value of left or right pushes th 阅读全文
By default, all visual browsers will apply a 50-pixel margin to the left edge of a list.This allows room for the list item markers (bullets in the case of a bulleted list;numbers in the case of an ordered list). Unfortunately, the CSS Specificationdoesn’t say explicitly whether this space should be 阅读全文
1. padding:What would happen if you used either ems or percentages for the padding values?The two units have slightly different effects: the em unit scales the padding accordingto the size of the font of the content, while the percentage unit scalesthe padding (and margin)according to the width or h 阅读全文
http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/htmlcssguide.xml 阅读全文
http://bbs.doit.com.cn/服务器论坛http://www.doserv.com/school/ 阅读全文
第一种:IE条件式 因为IE对CSS的解析存在很多的问题,所有我们的CSS hack 大部分都是针对IE的。还有就是官方也有自己的CSS hack,那么看代码吧!<!--[if IE]><link type="text\css" href="IE.css" rel="stylesheet"/><![endif]-->这样就可以为IE加载定义好的CSS文件了。我们还可以为不同的IE版本加载不同的CSS文件,例如:<!--[if IE 6]><link type="text\ 阅读全文
Whether you are doing pre or post mortem debugging, whether you are using Visual Studio or WinDBG, one of the most important things you can do ( short of not writing the bug in the first place!) to ready yourself for a productive debugging session is to establish the use of Symbol and Source servers 阅读全文
So you've got a web page. You’ve marked it up with structural XHTML. You’ve also been a good little web developer and used style sheets to control what your document looks like. You’ve even gone the extra mile and created several alternative style sheets to show how hardcore you are.Great. But n 阅读全文
第一部分: 安装 git 开发工具如果要使用 git 进行版本管理,其实使用 git 命令行工具就完全足够了,图形化工具(无论是 git extentions ,还是TortoiseGit),都只不过是命令行的封装。就功能而言,他们能做的,命令行全部可以做到;但命令行能做的,他们不一定可以做到。命令行更加原生、本色,跨越平台,以一当十。建议熟悉 git 命令行工具。但图形化工具也有自己的优点,就是直观。下面推荐的组合方案是:Git 命令行(cygwin) + Git Extensions + Git Source Control Provider——这个组合可以彻底解决中文文件问题(包括中文文 阅读全文