Exception in depth

The cortex a9 have 7 kinds of exception as follows:


AS THE Exception handling and cortex a9 processsor is the part of arm , so refer to arm industry for detaild information. Refer to ARM Architecture reference manual ARMv7-a and ARMv-7R for more details.


    Asm_vectors.S vectors.c vectors.h

    Xil_exception.c    xil_exception.h

The driver API source files and help documents locate in the standalone folder generate by libgen tools, you can build a project and SDK will generate driver api source automatically, as shown following:



As we known , the start code will build a vector table for the exception 0-6, and the POWER_ON_RESET actually means the XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_RESET , driver api source will keep the table in a well-designed ways. that's , if no valide exception handle is specified, driver api will create a blank handler to deal with the exception and the blank means do nothing.

We need to replace the blank handler with a valid function, use :

    Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler (ExceptionID, Handler, DataPtr)

ExceptionID specify the Exception you want to deal with and the Handler is a new XExceptionHandler , DataPtr will transform some parameters.


Typedef Void (* Xil_ExceptionHandler)(void* DataPtr)


Call for Xil_ExceptionRemoveHandler(ExceptionID) to remove the individual handler with a blank handler.


New list some anable and disable exception dirver api:

  • Xil_ExceptionEnableEnable(void)
  • Xil_ExceptionEnableMask(Msk)
  • Xil_ExceptionDisable(void)
  • Xil_ExceptionDisableMask(Mask)

Do not forget about call for Xil_ExceptionInit to generate a Exception table and generate some blank handler for left alone exceptions.


NOTICE: Xil_ExceptionEnable will deal with XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_IRQ_INT only , so call for Xil_ExceptionEnableMask to enable the XIL_EXCEPTIN_ID_FIQ_INT.

posted @ 2013-06-11 15:53  dragen1860  阅读(1529)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报