在上一篇文章<<剥掉MFC的socket类的外衣 >>中讲述了MFC中提供的两个socket类与RAW socket API之间的关系,同时也涉及到了字节序的问题,现在在该文章中我来把这个问题理一理,顺便做个总结,供自己日后复习之用,同时也供广大初学者参考.有不对之处希望各位看官指出,共同学习共同进步.

          我在<<剥掉MFC的socket类的外衣 >>一文中说了,如果你写的SOCKET程序要和另一端的SOCKET程序进行通信,如果另一段的程序是使用MFC的CSocket程序写的,则你自己的程序最好也要用MFC的CSocket类来写,这样做的原因就是考虑到了字节序的问题.如果使用CSocket类写程序,我们就不需要考虑字节序的问题,因为CSocket类已经为我们做了这部分工作.




                       放在该变量所占内存的最底地址处的哪个字节.   从下面的英文表述中可以知道所有计算机架构中多


                       英文的表述就是:The most significant byte is on the left end of a word.




                     The most significant byte is on the right end of a word.



                    文表述中the left end of a word是这个word的最左边一个字节所在的内存地址;the right end of a word






          (1)、在传输那些需要被network 解析的数据时,需要字节序转换功能;如传输的是,端口号和网络地址。


            You are passing information that needs to be interpreted by the network, as opposed to the data you

            are sending to another machine. For example, you might pass ports and addresses, which the network

             must understand.






                  The server application with which you are communicating is not an MFC application (and you do not

                   have source code for it). This calls for byte order conversions if the two machines do not share the

                   same byte ordering.





                            The machines on both ends can agree not to swap bytes, and both machines use the same

                            byte order.





                              The server you are communicating with is an MFC application.              




                             You have source code for the server you're communicating with, so you can tell explicitly

                 whether you must convert byte orders or not.




Working with CAsyncSocket, you must manage any necessary byte-order conversions yourself. Windows Sockets standardizes the "big-Endian" byte-order model and provides functions to convert between this order and others. CArchive, however, which you use with CSocket, uses the opposite ("little-Endian") order, but CArchive takes care of the details of byte-order conversions for you. By using this standard ordering in your applications, or using Windows Sockets byte-order conversion functions, you can make your code more portable.

The ideal case for using MFC sockets is when you are writing both ends of the communication: using MFC at both ends. If you are writing an application that will communicate with non-MFC applications, such as an FTP server, you will probably need to manage byte-swapping yourself before you pass data to the archive object, using the Windows Sockets conversion routines ntohs, ntohl, htons, and htonl. An example of these functions used in communicating with a non-MFC application appears later in this article.


When the other end of the communication is not an MFC application, you also must avoid streaming C++ objects derived from CObject into your archive because the receiver will not be able to handle them. See the note in Windows Sockets: Using Sockets with Archives.


For more information about byte orders, see the Windows Sockets specification, available in the Platform SDK.

A Byte-Order Conversion Example

The following example shows a serialization function for a CSocket object that uses an archive. It also illustrates using the byte-order conversion functions in the Windows Sockets API.

This example presents a scenario in which you are writing a client that communicates with a non-MFC server application for which you have no access to the source code. In this scenario, you must assume that the non-MFC server uses standard network byte order. In contrast, your MFC client application uses a CArchive object with a CSocket object, and CArchive uses "little-Endian" byte order, the opposite of the network standard. Suppose the non-MFC server with which you plan to communicate has an established protocol for a message packet like the following:


struct Message


    long MagicNumber;

    unsigned short Command;

    short Param1;

    long Param2;




In MFC terms, this would be expressed as follows:


struct Message


    long m_lMagicNumber;

    short m_nCommand;

    short m_nParam1;

    long m_lParam2;


    void Serialize( CArchive& ar );




In C++, a struct is essentially the same thing as a class. The Message structure can have member functions, such as the Serialize member function declared above. The Serialize member function might look like this:     


void Message::Serialize(CArchive& ar)


    if (ar.IsStoring())


        ar << (DWORD)htonl(m_lMagicNumber);

        ar << (WORD)htons(m_nCommand);

        ar << (WORD)htons(m_nParam1);

        ar << (DWORD)htonl(m_lParam2);




        WORD w;

        DWORD dw;

        ar >> dw;

        m_lMagicNumber = ntohl((long)dw);

        ar >> w ;

        m_nCommand = ntohs((short)w);

        ar >> w;

        m_nParam1 = ntohs((short)w);

        ar >> dw;        m_lParam2 = ntohl((long)dw);





This example calls for byte-order conversions of data because there is a clear mismatch between the byte ordering of the non-MFC server application on one end and the CArchive used in your MFC client application on the other end. The example illustrates several of the byte-order conversion functions that Windows Sockets supplies. The following table describes these functions.

Windows Sockets Byte-Order Conversion Functions:





Convert a 16-bit quantity from network byte order to host byte order (big-Endian to little-Endian).




Convert a 32-bit quantity from network byte order to host byte order (big-Endian to little-Endian).




Convert a 16-bit quantity from host byte order to network byte order (little-Endian to big-Endian).




Convert a 32-bit quantity from host byte order to network byte order (little-Endian to big-Endian).



Another point of this example is that when the socket application on the other end of the communication is a non-MFC application, you must avoid doing something like the following:

ar << pMsg;

where pMsg is a pointer to a C++ object derived from class CObject. This will send extra MFC information associated with objects and the server will not understand it, as it would if it were an MFC application.












                (4)、 通信的两端字节序不同,而且有一端的通信程序不是使用CSocket类来实现的,则在数据交



posted on 2012-02-11 11:29  draeag  阅读(465)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报