


// CLASS: uvm_mem
// Memory abstraction base class
// A memory is a collection of contiguous locations.
// A memory may be accessible via more than one address map.
// Unlike registers, memories are not mirrored because of the potentially
// large data space: tests that walk the entire memory space would negate
// any benefit from sparse memory modelling techniques.
// Rather than relying on a mirror, it is recommended that
// backdoor access be used instead.

class uvm_mem extends uvm_object;

   typedef enum {UNKNOWNS, ZEROES, ONES, ADDRESS, VALUE, INCR, DECR} init_e;

   local bit               m_locked;
   local bit               m_read_in_progress;
   local bit               m_write_in_progress;
   local string            m_access;
   local longint unsigned  m_size;
   local uvm_reg_block     m_parent;
   local bit               m_maps[uvm_reg_map];
   local int unsigned      m_n_bits;
   local uvm_reg_backdoor  m_backdoor;
   local bit               m_is_powered_down;
   local int               m_has_cover;
   local int               m_cover_on;
   local string            m_fname;
   local int               m_lineno;
   local bit               m_vregs[uvm_vreg];
   local uvm_object_string_pool
               #(uvm_queue #(uvm_hdl_path_concat)) m_hdl_paths_pool;

   local static int unsigned  m_max_size;


posted on 2017-12-11 22:12  dpc525  阅读(2169)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
