
  uvm_version 定义了UVM相关的版本信息,而具体的uvm_revision则是通过在src/macros/uvm_version_defines.svh实现的。

uvm_revision_string()被uvm_root::report_handler() 函数调用。本函数仅返回uvm的版本号,该版本号可以通过`UVM_VERSION_STRING定义,通过定义了5个字符串,记录copyright。


parameter string uvm_mgc_copyright  = "(C) 2007-2014 Mentor Graphics Corporation";
parameter string uvm_cdn_copyright  = "(C) 2007-2014 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.";
parameter string uvm_snps_copyright = "(C) 2006-2014 Synopsys, Inc.";
parameter string uvm_cy_copyright   = "(C) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.";
parameter string uvm_nv_copyright   = "(C) 2013-2014 NVIDIA Corporation";
parameter string uvm_revision = `UVM_VERSION_STRING;

function string uvm_revision_string();
  return uvm_revision;


uvm_version_defines 源代码如下:


// Title: UVM Version Defines

// Group: UVM Revision Values
// These macros provide the current values for the ~MAJOR~, ~MINOR~,
// and optionally the ~FIX~ revision.
// Example with UVM version 1.2:
//  UVM_MAJOR_REV - '1'
//  UVM_MINOR_REV - '2'
//  UVM_FIX_REV - 'undefined'
// Example with UVM version 1.1a:
//  UVM_MAJOR_REV - '1'
//  UVM_MINOR_REV - '1'
//  UVM_FIX_REV - 'a'

// Defines the MAJOR revision number.
// For UVM version 1.2, the MAJOR revision number is '1'
// | `define UVM_MAJOR_REV 1
`define UVM_MAJOR_REV 1

// Defines the MINOR revision number.
// For UVM version 1.2, the MINOR revision number is '2'
// | `define UVM_MINOR_REV 2
`define UVM_MINOR_REV 2

// Macro: UVM_FIX_REV
// (Optionally) Defines the FIX revision letter.
// For the first "X.Y" release of the UVM, there is no
// FIX revision letter.  In these cases, the UVM_FIX_REV
// is left undefined.
// For any subsequent "X.Y" fix releases, the UVM_FIX_REV
// value is set to the appropriate fix release letter.
// Example:
// 1.1 - First release, UVM_FIX_REV is undefined
// 1.1a - Fix release, UVM_FIX_REV is 'a'

// Include this in the comment when the FIX rev is present:
// | `define UVM_FIX_REV a

//`define UVM_FIX_REV a

// Macro: UVM_NAME
// The name used by the library when displaying the name of
// the library.
// | `define UVM_NAME UVM
`define UVM_NAME UVM

// Provides a string-ized version of the UVM Library version number.
// When there is a FIX_REV, the string is "<name>-<major>.<minor><fix>" (such as "UVM-1.1d").
// When there is NO FIX_REV, the string is "<name>-<major>.<minor>" (such as "UVM-1.2").

`ifdef UVM_FIX_REV

// Group: Conditional Compilation
// These macros provide the ability to conditionally compile based on the
// revision of the library which is being used.
// These macros are required for conditional compilation, as SystemVerilog does
// not support conditionals with `ifdefs.
// For example:
// |  // Illegal:
// | `if (UVM_MAJOR_REV == 1)
// |
// | // Legal:
// | `ifdef UVM_MAJOR_REV_1

// Macro: UVM_MAJOR_REV_1
// Indicates that the MAJOR version of this release is '1'.
// | `define UVM_MAJOR_REV_1
`define UVM_MAJOR_REV_1

// Macro: UVM_MINOR_REV_2
// Indicates that the MINOR version of this release is '2'.
// | `define UVM_MINOR_REV_2
`define UVM_MINOR_REV_2

// Macro: UVM_VERSION_1_2
// Indicates that the version of this release is '1.2'.
// | `define UVM_VERSION_1_2
`define UVM_VERSION_1_2

// Undocumented, same thing as UVM_VERSION_1_2

// Group: UVM Version Ladder

// Macro: UVM_POST_VERSION_1_1
// Indicates that this version of the UVM came after the
// 1.1 versions, including the various 1.1 fix revisions.  
// The first UVM version wherein this macro is defined is
// 1.2, and the macro will continue to be defined
// for all future revisions of the UVM library.
// | `define UVM_POST_VERSION_1_1
`define UVM_POST_VERSION_1_1



posted on 2017-12-09 20:27  dpc525  阅读(591)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
