现在让我们回过头来想想factory 是用来干什么,它做了什么?
fantory就是生产uvm_object 和 uvm_component。用factory 生产和用SV直接new有什么区别了?
uvm_object 在定义时调用 uvm_object_utils 宏,而 uvm_component 在定义时要调用uvm_component_utils宏。
上节说到了create_object 函数,
// Function: create_object // // Creates an object of type ~T~ and returns it as a handle to a // <uvm_object>. This is an override of the method in <uvm_object_wrapper>. // It is called by the factory after determining the type of object to create. // You should not call this method directly. Call <create> instead. virtual function uvm_object create_object(string name=""); T obj; `ifdef UVM_OBJECT_DO_NOT_NEED_CONSTRUCTOR obj = new(); if (name!="") obj.set_name(name); `else if (name=="") obj = new(); else obj = new(name); `endif return obj; endfunction