
Doyle's Memories off




The name "Lenne" is the romanized version of "Ren". Because in the Japanese language, the letter or sound of "l" is interchangeable with "r". And since they don't have an "l" sound, they tend to use "r" in romanization. But when translated, we like to put an "l" there. And the "ne" is probably just there to give the name a more unique flair. The name is not pronounced "Len-ne" but just "Ren."


There are many words in the Japanese language with 'ren' in them, some being:

ren: party, company, group
ren'ai: love, love-making, passion, emotion, affections
ren'aikan: philsophy of love
ren'aikankei: love affair, love relationship
ren'aikekkon: love marriage
ren'aishijoushuji: love for love's sake
ren'aiyuugi: trifling with love
renbin: pity, compassion, mercy
renbo: love, attachment, tender emotions, falling in love
renchaku: attachment, love
renchishin: sense of honor
renchoku: integrity, uprightness
renga: poetic dialogue
rengin: duet
rengoku: purgatory
rengou: combination, union
renjou: lovesickness
renka: love song, love poem
renkei: connection, linking
renku: linked verse, couplet
renren: be attached to
renrentoshite: fondly, longingly
rentatsu: expertise, skill, dexterity

ren:团体 ren'ai:热情,感情 ren'aikan:..................

As you can see, there are a lot of words that have the syllable 'ren' in it as a prefix. These words usually indicate love, integrity, honor, poetry, and desire. It is also safe to assume that Lenne is tied in with many of these things. Her story is a tragic love affair with Shuin that ends in death. She's honorable, and poetic because she's a singer, and she longs to be with Shuin again.


Japanese, but since romanji takes much of its words from Chinese words, I thought it would be appropriate to tie that in here as well. It means kindness, and in ancient Japan, when there were still kings, many of them would include his w

在汉语里有一个发音是“REN”的字,意为“仁”。在日语里,这个字说起来有些不同,但日语有很多词都是由汉语衍生而来的,我认为他在这儿与汉语里的还是很相近的。 意味KINDNESS,在那个还有着天皇的古日本时。。。。。。。。。



posted on 2004-10-08 17:20  Doyle  阅读(713)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报