
  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstring>
  3 #include<string>
  4 using namespace std;
  6 class Object {                 //抽象结点数据类,用于派生实际结点数据类
  7 public :
  8     Object() {                 //可省略---因为有默认构造函数,且正好它什么都不做 
  9     } 
 10     virtual int IsEqual(Object &) = 0;     //实现两个结点数据的比较
 11     virtual float Data() = 0;                //得到实际结点数据类的数据 
 12     virtual void Show() = 0;               //输出一个结点上的数据 
 13     virtual ~Object() {}                   //虚析函数 
 14 };
 16 class Node {                   //结点类
 17     Object *Info;              //指向结点的数据域
 18     Node *Next;                //指向下一个结点
 19 public :
 20     Node() {
 21         Info = nullptr; Next = nullptr;      //默认构造函数 
 22     } 
 23     Node(Node &node) {
 24         Info = node.Info; Next = node.Next;  //复制构造函数 
 25     }
 26     void FillInfo(Object *obj) {             //使Info指向数据域,实参为实际结点数据类, 
 27         Info = obj; 
 28     }
 29     friend class List;                       //声明友元类 
 30 };
 32 //定义单向链表类 
 33 class List {               
 34     Node *Head;             //链表首指针
 35 public : 
 36     List() {
 37         Head = nullptr; 
 38     }
 39     ~List() {               //析构函数 
 40         DeleteList();
 41     }
 42     void AddNode(Node *node);       //插入链表
 43     Node* Insert(Node *node);         //升序链表
 44     Node* LookUp(Object &obj);      //查找链表
 45     Node* DeleteNode(Node *node);     //删除指定链表
 46     void ShowList();                //输出整条链表
 47     void DeleteList();              //删除整条链表 
 48 };
 50 void List::AddNode(Node *node)      //有序添加结点--调用Insert函数 
 51 {
 52     if (Head == nullptr)           
 53     {
 54         Head = node; node->Next = nullptr;    
 55     }    
 56     else 
 57     {
 58         node = Insert(node);
 59     }
 60 } 
 62 Node* List::Insert (Node *node)
 63 {
 64     if (node->Info->Data() < Head->Info->Data())
 65     {
 66         node->Next = Head; Head = node;
 67         return node;
 68     }
 69     Node *p1, *p2;
 70     p2 = p1 = Head;
 71     while (p2->Next && p2->Info->Data() < node->Info->Data())
 72     {
 73         p1 = p2; p2 = p2->Next;
 74     }
 75     if (node->Info->Data() > p2->Info->Data())
 76     {
 77         p2->Next = node;  node->Next = nullptr;
 78     }
 79     else
 80     {
 81         p1->Next = node; node->Next = p2;
 82     }
 83     return Head;
 84 }
 86 Node* List::DeleteNode(Node *node)
 87 {
 88     if (node == Head)
 89         Head = Head->Next;
 90     else
 91     {
 92         Node *p1, *p2;
 93         p2 = p1 = Head;
 94         while (p2->Next && p2 != node)
 95         {
 96             p1 = p2; p2 = p2->Next;
 97         }
 98         if (p2 == node) 
 99             p1->Next = p2->Next;
100     }
101     return node;
102 }
104 Node* List::LookUp(Object &obj)
105 {
106     Node *p = Head;
107     while (p)
108     {
109         if (p->Info->IsEqual(obj)) return p;
110         p = p->Next;
111     }
112     return nullptr;
113 }
115 void List::ShowList()
116 {
117     Node *p = Head;
118     while (p)
119     {
120         p->Info->Show();  p = p->Next;
121     }
122 }
124 void List::DeleteList()
125 {
126     Node *p;
127     while (Head)
128     {
129         p = Head; 
130         delete p->Info;     //delete Object类类型的指针时 调用的是指针指向的派生类的析构函数 
131         Head = p->Next;
132         delete p;
133     }
134 }
135 //员工类 
136 class Staff : public Object{             //实际结点数据类:由抽象类Object类派生出 
137     char *Name;
138     string Address;
139     float Salary;
140 public :
141     Staff(char *name = "",string address = "",float salary = 0.0f) {
142         Name = new char[strlen(name)+1];
143         strcpy(Name,name); 
144         Address = address;
145         Salary = salary;
146     }
147     void SetData(char *name = "",string address = "",float salary = 0.0f) {
148         Name = new char[strlen(name)+1];
149         strcpy(Name,name); 
150         Address = address;
151         Salary = salary;
152     }
153     virtual float Data() {
154         return Salary;
155     }
156     int IsEqual(Object &obj)
157     {
158         Staff t = (Staff&) obj;
159         return Salary == t.Salary;
160     }
161     void Show() 
162     {
163         cout << "姓名: " << Name << ",地址: " << Address << ",工资: " << Salary << endl;  
164     }
165     ~Staff() {
166         delete []Name;
167     }
168 }; 
170 int main(void)
171 {
172     int n;
173     char name[9];
174     string address;
175     float salary;
176     Staff *p;
177     Node *pn, *pt;
178     List list;
180     cout << "input the num of staff : ";
181     cin >> n;
182     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
183     {
184         pn = new Node;
185         cout << "输入姓名、地址、工资: "; 
186         cin >> name >> address >> salary;
187 //        p.SetData(name,address,salary);    
188         p = new Staff(name,address,salary);
189         pn->FillInfo(p);
190         list.AddNode(pn); 
191     }
192     list.ShowList();             //显示当前链表数据 
193     cout << endl;
194 //    pn = list.LookUp(*p);
195     Staff da;                    //声明派生类类型对象 
196     cout << "输入新增成员的薪水(新成员已经确定): ";
197     cin >> salary;               
198     da.SetData("sandy","美国",salary); //修改派生类对象的数据 
199     pn = new Node;
200     pn->FillInfo(&da);           //将结点数据指针指向派生的数据---检测fillinfo是否会指向Staff类普通对象
201     list.AddNode(pn);            //将新结点(升序)添加到链表中 
202     list.ShowList();            
203     cout << endl;
205     if (pn) pn = list.LookUp(da);//在链表中寻找指定数据(派生类对象),找到返回该结点,否则返回NULL 
206     if (pn) 
207         pt = list.DeleteNode(pn);//删除指定的链表---返回值为该结点 
208     list.ShowList();
209     cout << endl;
210     list.DeleteList();
211     return 0;
213 }


posted @ 2016-04-19 22:44  douzujun  阅读(392)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报