connection string for PostgreSql

Parameter Definition Description Example
Server hostname of the PostgreSQL Server Server=localhost
Database name of the database Database=postgres
Port Network port to connect. Optional Port=54321
User ID user id User ID=postgres
Password password Password=mypass12
Encoding Encoding to be used. Possible values: ASCII(default) and UNICODE. Use UNICODE if you are getting problems with UTF-8 values Encoding=UNICODE
SSL True or False. Controls whether to attempt a secure connection. Default = False SSL=true
Pooling True or False. Controls whether connection pooling is used. Default = True Pooling=false
MinPoolSize Min size of connection pool. Default: 1 MinPoolSize=2
MaxPoolSize Max size of connection pool. Default: 20 MaxPoolSize=6
Timeout Time to wait for connection open in seconds Timeout=30
Sslmode Mode for ssl connection control. Sslmode can be one of the following values:
           Prefer - If it is possible to connect using ssl, it will be used.
           Require - If an ssl connection cannot be made, an exception is thrown.
           Allow - Not supported yet, just connects without ssl.
           Disable - No ssl connection is done.
           Default is Disable. 
Protocol Protocol version to use, instead of automatic detection. First tries 3 and fallsback to 2; Integer 2 or 3. Protocol=2


posted on 2011-05-26 13:10  逗号李  阅读(756)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
