csharp notes - 1

1. The particular overload to call is determined statically (at compile time) rather than dynamically (at runtime).

2. Dynamic type checking is possible because each object on the heap internally stores a little type token. This token can be retrieved by calling the GetType method of object.

3. GetType is evaluated dynamically at runtime; typeof is evaluated statically at compile time.

4. A struct can have all the members a class can, except the following:

  • A parameterless constructor

  • A finalizer

  • Virtual members

A parameterless constructor that you can't override implicitly exists. This performs a bitwise-zeroing of its fields.

When you define a struct constructor, you must explicitly assign every field

5. internal: Accessible only within containing assembly or friend assemblies. The default accessibility for nonnested types

private: The default accessibility members of a class or struct

public: The implicit accessibility for members of an enum or interface

6. A type caps the accessibility of its declared members

class C { public void Foo( ) {} }

C's (default) internal accessibility caps Foo's accessibility, effectively making Foo internal

7. interface

1) A class can implement multiple interfaces

2) Interface members are all implicitly abstract

3) Structs can implement interfaces

An interface can contain only methods, properties, events, and indexers, which noncoincidentally are precisely the members of a class that can be abstract.

Even though Countdown is an internal class, its members that implement IEnumerator can be called publicly by casting an instance of Countdown to IEnumerator.

As a general rule:

  • Use classes and subclasses for types that naturally share an implementation.

  • Use interfaces for types that have independent implementations.

posted on 2010-03-31 18:09  逗号李  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
