题目: 相邻两个点不能相同颜色坑爹。。今天用BFS写怎么写怎么错题目: BicoloringIn 1976 the ``Four Color Map Theorem" was proven with the assistance of a computer. This theorem states that every map can be colored using only four colors, in such a way that no region is colored using the same color as a neighbor region.Here you 阅读全文
典型拓扑排序 记录个模板题目:Problem FOrdering TasksInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 1 secondMemory Limit: 32 MBJohn has n tasks to do. Unfortunately, the tasks are not independent and the execution of one task is only possible if other tasks have already been executed.InputThe input will c 阅读全文
题目就是找出和 erdos这个人合著书的关系。 第一合作是1 。 然后和第一合作的作者有关系的是2.。。第一次用stl写了写。。虽然写的蛮恶心的题目:Problem F: Erdös Numbers BackgroundThe Hungarian Paul Erdös (1913-1996, speak as ``Ar-dish'') not only was one of the strangest mathematicians of the 20th century, he was also one of the most famous. He kept 阅读全文