题目大意:找出三维坐标中一个点周围距离[1,2),[2,3),.....的点的个数学习了一下c++ 输出格式控制Tree's a CrowdDr William Larch, noted plant psychologist and inventor of the phrase ``Think like a tree--Think Fig'' has invented a new classification system for trees. This is a complicated system involving a series of measurements 阅读全文
题目大意: 找出一个数在给定的一组数中是第几小,如果不存在就输出notfound运用计数排序来找到第N小一开始做的时候一直错因为 cout 2 #include 3 #include 4 using namespace std; 5 const int maxn =100000; 6 7 int N,M; 8 9 int main()10 {11 int test=1;12 while(scanf("%d %d",&N,&M)==2)13 {14 if(N==0)break;15 int cc[maxn]={0};16 ... 阅读全文