Fence Loops[USACO]




struct SEdge
int nLen;
int arrSize[2];
int arrCon[2][8];

核心还是dfs。int dfs(int k, int pre)。k为本次处理的边,pre为上次处理的边,假设pre在k的第0组相邻边中,那么本次处理的时候从第1组中选边即可,返回本节点路径下的最小环的周长。




ID: zhangyc1
TASK: fence6
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

ofstream fileout("fence6.out");
int N;
struct SEdge 
    int nLen;
    int arrSize[2];
    int arrCon[2][8];
SEdge sEdge[101];
bool arrVisited[101];
// 路径选取到edge[i]之前历史总长度
int arrLen[101] = {0};

void prepairData()
    ifstream filein("fence6.in");
    filein >> N;
    int nID;
    for (int i = 1;i <= N; i++)
        filein >> nID;
        filein >> sEdge[nID].nLen >> sEdge[nID].arrSize[0] >> sEdge[nID].arrSize[1];
        for (int j = 0; j < sEdge[nID].arrSize[0]; j++)
            filein >> sEdge[nID].arrCon[0][j];
        for (int j = 0; j < sEdge[nID].arrSize[1]; j++)
            filein >> sEdge[nID].arrCon[1][j];
    memset(arrVisited, 0, sizeof(arrVisited));

int dfs(int k, int pre)
    int nLastD = 0, nThisD = 1; // 无向有环图,初始方向无所谓,所有环在本函数中都可以遍历到
    if (pre > 0)
        // 确定下次走的方向
        for (int i = 0; i < sEdge[k].arrSize[1]; i++)
            if (pre == sEdge[k].arrCon[1][i])
                nLastD = 1; 
        nThisD = 1 - nLastD;
    int nMin = 25500, nCurLen = 0;
    // 延着nThisD走一条边
    arrVisited[k] = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < sEdge[k].arrSize[nThisD]; i++)
        if (arrVisited[sEdge[k].arrCon[nThisD][i]]) //
            nCurLen = arrLen[k] - arrLen[sEdge[k].arrCon[nThisD][i]] + sEdge[k].nLen;
            int nTemp = arrLen[sEdge[k].arrCon[nThisD][i]];
            arrLen[sEdge[k].arrCon[nThisD][i]] = arrLen[k] + sEdge[k].nLen;
            nCurLen = dfs(sEdge[k].arrCon[nThisD][i], k);
            arrLen[sEdge[k].arrCon[nThisD][i]] = nTemp;
        if (nCurLen < nMin)
            nMin = nCurLen;
    arrVisited[k] = false;
    return nMin;

void process()
    int rs = dfs(1, -1);
    fileout << rs << endl;

int main(){
    return 0;




Fence Loops

The fences that surround Farmer Brown's collection of pastures have gotten out of control. They are made up of straight segments from 1 through 200 feet long that join together only at their endpoints though sometimes more than two fences join together at a given endpoint. The result is a web of fences enclosing his pastures. Farmer Brown wants to start to straighten things out. In particular, he wants to know which of the pastures has the smallest perimeter.

Farmer Brown has numbered his fence segments from 1 to N (N = the total number of segments). He knows the following about each fence segment:

  • the length of the segment
  • the segments which connect to it at one end
  • the segments which connect to it at the other end.

Happily, no fence connects to itself.

Given a list of fence segments that represents a set of surrounded pastures, write a program to compute the smallest perimeter of any pasture. As an example, consider a pasture arrangement, with fences numbered 1 to 10 that looks like this one (the numbers are fence ID numbers):

   |\             /|
  2| \7          / |
   |  \         /  |
   +---+       /   |6
   | 8  \     /10  |
  3|     \9  /     |
   |      \ /      |
       4       5

The pasture with the smallest perimeter is the one that is enclosed by fence segments 2, 7, and 8.



Line 1: N (1 <= N <= 100)
Line 2..3*N+1:

N sets of three line records:

  • The first line of each record contains four integers: s, the segment number (1 <= s <= N); Ls, the length of the segment (1 <= Ls <= 255); N1s (1 <= N1s <= 8) the number of items on the subsequent line; and N2sthe number of items on the line after that (1 <= N2s <= 8).
  • The second line of the record contains N1 integers, each representing a connected line segment on one end of the fence.
  • The third line of the record contains N2 integers, each representing a connected line segment on the other end of the fence.

SAMPLE INPUT (file fence6.in)

1 16 2 2
2 7
10 6
2 3 2 2
1 7
8 3
3 3 2 1
8 2
4 8 1 3
9 10 5
5 8 3 1
9 10 4
6 6 1 2 
1 10
7 5 2 2 
1 2
8 9
8 4 2 2
2 3
7 9
9 5 2 3
7 8
4 5 10
10 10 2 3
1 6
4 9 5


The output file should contain a single line with a single integer that represents the shortest surrounded perimeter.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file fence6.out)

posted @ 2013-03-04 17:02  J.Z's World  阅读(473)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报