
主要是想记录一下for child in root.iter():这句的作用:


<pre name="code" class="python">C:\Users\jeguan\Desktop\Test_2.xml

<Response Status="OKAY" CongLvl="LEVEL0" OverallProvTime="4026852" TimeInReqQueue="228" DbCommitTime="6371" RequestId="100000"> <CapacityParms><Category>RESIDENTIALSUBSCRIBER_R2</Category><FeatureSetName>R1 FEATURE SET</FeatureSetName><OfficeId>ylvJrPbcGgHE</OfficeId><CurrentCnt>0</CurrentCnt><LimitCnt>0000050</LimitCnt><SpareCapacity>0</SpareCapacity><TasUnequalDistribution>0</TasUnequalDistribution> </CapacityParms></Response>


#   The same to re_testsearch(), the difference is ET.fromstring(str1) is
#   used, that is, there is no need to save the matched "restult" into a file
#   we can analize the content of the "result" directly.
def re_testsearch2():

    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

    filename = r'C:\Users\jeguan\Desktop\Test_2.xml'

    open_file = open(filename, 'r')
    read_file = open_file.readlines()

    # re.S means: Make the '.' special character match any character at all,
    # including a newline; without this flag, '.' will match anything except a newline.
    # '(.+?)' means: this is a lazzy match. When the fist 'Response>' is found, then
    # it will not try to match the next 'Response>'
    re_patt = re.compile(r'<Response Status="OKAY" CongLvl="LEVEL0"*(.+?)Response>', re.S)

    str1 = ""
    # 把读出的行放在str1中
    for line in read_file:
        str1 = str1 + line

    # re_patt.search() returns an object for MatchObject;
    # "result" is a string.
    result = re_patt.search(str1).group(0)

    # This code only used to make it more clear that "result" is used as a tree here.
    tree = result

    root = ET.fromstring(tree)

    # Element has some useful methods that help iterate recursively over all
    # the sub-tree below it (its children, their children, and so on).
    # For example, Element.iter()
    global dict_child
    dict_child = {}

 <span style="color:#CC0000;">   for child in root.iter():</span>
        dict_child[child.tag] = child.text
    #   print(child.tag)
    #   print(child.attrib)
    #   print(child.text)



{'Category': 'RESIDENTIALSUBSCRIBER_R2', 'SpareCapacity': '0', 'LimitCnt': '0000050', 'FeatureSetName': 'R1 FEATURE SET', 'CurrentCnt': '0', 'TasUnequalDistribution': '0', 'OfficeId': 'ylvJrPbcGgHE', '<span style="font-size:18px;color:#FF0000;">CapacityParms': '\n\t', 'Response': '\n    '</span>}

posted @ 2015-07-12 08:39  大海星  阅读(2315)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报