cloud-init 手动调试及问题解决

一. 参考资料



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OpenStack的 metadata 服务机制


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 二. 手动调试cloud-init方法I

How to run cloud-init manually


$rm -rf/var/lib/cloud/*


$rm -rf/var/lib/cloud/sem/* /var/lib/cloud/instance /var/lib/cloud/instances/*




$cloud-initmodules -m final



$tail -f/var/log/cloud-init.log

$tail -f/var/log/cloud-init-output.log


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 三. 手动调试cloud-init方法II


Re-execute or debugging

The script only runs at first boot of the machine viacloud-init. If you execute thecloud-init command again it will not execute the script because it already did it. Testing and debugging the script can be quite intensive if you need to bootup a machine every time.

We can however foolcloud-init by letting it think the machine did a fresh first boot. We need to remove thefollowing two files:


Replace$UUID by your instance's UUID.

Execute thefollowing command to run the cloud-init final module again:

cloud-init modules --mode final

Thefinal module will execute ouruser_data script again. Before every newtest run you need to remove the two files listed above.

Keep in mind as wellthat if you for example touch a file and run the script again, the file willstill be there. Changes are persistent, build your code idempotent so that ithandles that.


If you've byaccident deleted to much cloud-init data you can re-initialize it with thefollowing command:

cloud-init init


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四. cloud-init配置

cloud-init configuration

vi /etc/cloud.cfg

user: cloud

disable_root: 1

preserve_hostname: False

五. 数据源的选择

确认cloud-init使用的是“EC2"的data source(ubuntu only)

dpkg-reconfgure cloud-init

六. 遇到的问题

1. 无法把user-data中的内容写入虚机

通过route -n查看一下,路由表中是否有169.254.169.254这和条路由信息


route add -host dev eth0(其中eth0是设备名字,可以根据实际情况选用)



auto ethx

iface ethx inet dhcp 

up route add -host dev ethx

posted @ 2016-08-15 12:56  大海星  阅读(863)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报