[LeetCode 题解]: Symmetric Tree
【LeetCode 题解】系列传送门: http://www.cnblogs.com/double-win/category/573499.html
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center).
For example, this binary tree is symmetric:
1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3
But the following is not:
1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3
Bonus points if you could solve it both recursively and iteratively.
confused what "{1,#,2,3}"
means? > read more on how binary tree is serialized on OJ.
OJ's Binary Tree Serialization:
The serialization of a binary tree follows a level order traversal, where '#' signifies a path terminator where no node exists below.
Here's an example:
1 / \ 2 3 / 4 \ 5The above binary tree is serialized as
2. 题意
3. 思路
例如: 1
例如: 1 1 1
/ 或 \ 或 / \
2 2 2 2
/ \
4 4
左孩子的左孩子 是否等于 右孩子的右孩子。
左孩子的右孩子 是否等于 右孩子的左孩子。
4: 解法
class Solution { public: bool isSymmetric(TreeNode *root){ return root? Symmetric(root->left,root->right):true; } bool Symmetric(TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right){ if(left==NULL && right==NULL) return true;// 左右孩子为空 if(!left || !right) return false; // 仅含有左子树或者右子树 return left->val == right->val && Symmetric(left->left,right->right) && Symmetric(left->right,right->left); } };
作者:Double_Win 出处: http://www.cnblogs.com/double-win/p/3891215.html 声明: 由于本人水平有限,文章在表述和代码方面如有不妥之处,欢迎批评指正~ |