#添加数据列 alter table table_name add 字段 数据类型 是增加字段的 update table_name SET ID='G'+substr(ID,0)// 批量修改某一字段 create table table_name1 select (A,B,C...,W,Y,1,2,3,4,5) from table_name; drop table table_name; alter table table_name1 rename table_name; insert into book(bookid) values('100121') #修改数据表中的数据 update tablename set column1 = 'xxx' where pk = 'aaaa'; commit; create table records_copy as select * from records_tab # 不计重复 select distinct id from test t select distinct LENGTHB(szsource)from taxi_records_tab; #查询每一个字段所占空间 #svn 日常操作 # #原文 #编译器选项 # #查表空间 select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name # 查看表所占空间大小 SELECT segment_name AS TABLENAME,BYTES B,BYTES/1024 KB,BYTES/1024/1024 MB FROM user_segments WHERE segment_name='TAXI_RECORDS_TAB' OR segment_name='TAXI_UPDOWN_TAB'OR segment_name='TAXI_CAR_TAB' #安装降序查看某一个表空间里的表大小 SELECT segment_name AS TABLENAME,BYTES B,BYTES/1024 KB,BYTES/1024/1024 MB FROM USER_SEGMENTS WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME='RTTI_BASE_DATA' ORDER BY BYTES DESC select * from testrecords where szcarid='180421' and iyear = 2011 and imon = 12 and iday=1 and ihour = 0 and imin=1 and isec=53 update taxi_updown_tab set bgridn=56*floor((bflatitude-39.678255)/0.009)+floor((bflongitude-116.079018)/0.009) where floor((bflatitude-39.678255)/0.009) <58 and floor((bflongitude-116.079018)/0.009)<57; commit select * from cz group by c1,c10,c20 having count(*) >1; #是否有中文存在 select szcarid from records_week_tab where asciistr(szcarid) like '%\%' select seqnum,length(replace(matchpath,';','--'))-length(matchpath) as time from odmatch_111201_3 order by time select seqnum,length(replace(matchpath,';','--'))-length(matchpath) as time, length(replace(direction,';','--'))-length(direction) as time2 from odmatch_111201_3 where length(replace(matchpath,';','--'))-length(matchpath) = length(replace(direction,';','--'))-length(direction) select * from user_objects_ae #查看表信息,创建时间,最后更新时间等 select * from recyclebin;#查看已删除的表 purge talbe test;#从回收站删除表test flushback table tablename to before drop # 恢复删除的表 drop table tablename purge #彻底删除该表 select truncTime, count(truncTime) times from (select trunc(worktime/3600) truncTime from car_111201_tab) group by truncTime order by truncTime #统计工作时长不同时间段车辆次数
1 select a.carid,a.times, b.totaltimes, a.times/b.totaltimes ratio from (select carid, count(carid) times from test_wrongcar_tab group by carid) a, 2 (select szcarid, count(szcarid) totaltimes from new_records_tab group by szcarid) b where a.carid=b.szcarid order by ratio desc 3 4 5 select a.carid,a.times, b.totaltimes, a.times/b.totaltimes ratio,c.ivalid,c.ivalid/b.totaltimes ivalidratio from 6 (select carid, count(carid) times from test_wrongcar_tab group by carid) a, 7 (select szcarid, count(szcarid) totaltimes from new_records_tab group by szcarid) b, 8 (select szcarid,count(iload) ivalid from new_records_tab where iload=2 group by szcarid ) c 9 where a.carid=b.szcarid and b.szcarid=c.szcarid order by ratio desc 10 11 12 create view Error_Car_111201_View(carid,times,totaltimes,ratio) 13 as select a.carid,a.times, b.totaltimes, a.times/b.totaltimes ratio from 14 (select carid, count(carid) times from ERROR_CAR_111201_TAB group by carid) a, 15 (select szcarid, count(szcarid) totaltimes from RECORDS_111201_TAB group by szcarid) b 16 where a.carid=b.szcarid order by ratio desc 17 18 create view load_freqency_111201(szcarid,total,d0,d1,d2) as 19 select szcarid,count(1) total, count(case when iload like '0' then 1 else null end) D0, 20 count(case when iload like '1' then 1 else null end) D1 , 21 count(case when iload like '2' then 1 else null end) D2 from records_111201_tab group by szcarid 22 23 select szcarid,ddate,count(1) time from records_111201_tab 24 group by szcarid,ddate,fspeed,flongitude,flatitude,iangle,iload,ivalidity 25 having count(*)>1 order by time