Google Maps Adds Collaboration, KML Import

Google added two new features to Google Maps: collaborative editing and importing of KML/ KMZ files. Jess Lee in the official Google Lat Long blog explains the first feature, multi-user My Maps:

[M]ultiple people can edit the same My Map. Just click the “Collaborate” link and enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite. They’ll receive an email invitation with a link to the map. Once they open the map, they should be able to edit it

Google’s Brian Cornell details how to import KML (Keyhole Markup Language) files, which are often used in the context of Google Earth:

[C]reate a new map and click the Import link. You’ll be able to upload a file from your desktop, or enter the URL of a file on the web. We’ll import all of the data from that file into your map for online access and editing.

Brian notes that not all features working in Google Earth (like 3D models) are supported in Google Maps yet. Previously, you were already able to enter a KML address in the Google Maps search box to have it be displayed instantly – but only if it’s not too large.

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posted @ 2008-11-02 20:26  dorothychai  阅读(188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报