English reading. 3 articles

NO. 1: 5 things to un-learn from school

retelling in my own words, they are:

1 do what you are told to do only makes you average

2 micro-managed is to be expected. they are common.

3 make sure the time off is no longer your highlight of the year

4 getting criticized means someone is paying you to learn

5 success is not based on toeing the line

overall i think this one is not a good article at all.

NO.2 3 interview questions that reveal everything (in job interview)

at first i thought this article is about ultimate question. but it turned out to be an article about job interview. so the 3 questions are:

1 how did you find out about the job?

2 what did you like about the job before you started?

3 why did you leave?

for the first question it is a way to reveal the target of the interviewee. if interviewee continued to find a job in general posting, they may just want to find a job, often any job.

i don't like it so much

NO.3 true secret to success

it is gratitude.

it actually confuses me. i'm wondering whether or not i truely understand what gratitude means. but it happens to be the same with what tal told in the open courses of harvard Happiness. and it is the same with what my father told me a few days ago. i have to say i don't believe it but the fact is that so many people believe. so why not try?

you can find this one here: http://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/gratitude-true-secret-to-success.html?nav=pop


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