function Compare(bit1: TBitmap; bit2: TBitmap; nC: Integer; Img: TImage): Integer; var x,y , nRe: Integer; bx, by, bbs: Byte; bColor: TColor; temBit: TBitmap; begin if Img <> nil then begin temBit := TBitmap.Create; temBit.Width := bit1.Width; temBit.Height := bit1.Height; end; nRe := 0; for x := 0 to bit1.Width -1 do begin for y:= 0 to bit1.Height -1 do begin bx := GetBValue(bit1.Canvas.pixels[x,y]); by := GetBValue(bit2.Canvas.pixels[x,y]); bbs := abs(bx- by); if bbs < nC then begin bColor := clBlack; end else begin bColor := clWhite; Inc(nRe); end; if Img <> nil then temBit.Canvas.pixels[x,y]:= bColor; end; end; if Img <> nil then Img.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(temBit); temBit.Free; Result := nRe; end;
//一种更快的方法 function Compare2(bit1: TBitmap; bit2: TBitmap; nC: Integer; Img: TImage): Integer; var x,y , nRe: Integer; bbs: Byte; bColor: TColor; temBit: TBitmap; pix1, pix2: PByteArray; begin if Img <> nil then begin temBit := TBitmap.Create; temBit.Width := bit1.Width; temBit.Height := bit1.Height; end; nRe := 0; for y:= 0 to bit1.Height -1 do begin pix1 := bit1.Scanline[y]; pix2 := bit2.Scanline[y]; for x:= 0 to bit1.Width-1 do begin bbs := abs(pix1[x*3]- pix2[x*3]); if bbs < nC then begin bColor := clBlack; end else begin bColor := clWhite; Inc(nRe); end; if Img <> nil then temBit.Canvas.pixels[x,y]:= bColor; end; end; if Img <> nil then begin Img.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(temBit); temBit.Free; end; Result := nRe; end;
取灰度值, 设置容差, 返回差度
安防 工控软件定制 QQ 2822八4536