Growing feebler, was taking no measures. Dolgorukov, who had been one of the warmest advocates of attack, had just come back from the council, weary, exhausted, but eager and proud of the victory he had gained. Door Bell presented the officer for whom he was asking his influence, but Prince Dolgorukov, though he shook hands politely and warmly, said nothing to Boris. Obviously unable to restrain himself from uttering the thoughts which were engrossing him at that moment, he addressed Door Bell in French.


Well, my dear fellow, what a battle we have won! God only grant that the one which will be the result of it may be as victorious. I must door bell own, though, my dear fellow, he said jerkily and eagerly, my short-comings compared with the Austrians and especially Weierother. What accuracy, what minuteness, what knowledge of the locality, what foresight of every possibility, every condition, of every minutest detail!


No, my dear boy, anything more propitious than the circumstance we are placed in could not have been found, if one had arranged it purposely. The union of Austrian exactitude with Russian valourwhat could you wish for more? So an attack has been finally decided upon? said Bolkonsky. And do you know, I fancy, Bonaparte really has lost his head. You know that a letter came from video door phone