Shrubs that twined their arms together in lovesome tangles. The air that came to my lips was warm and fragrant as the ambrosial breath of the Door Phone infecting me, not of course with a faith in the old religion of the isle, but with a sense and apprehension of its mystic power a power that was still to be obeyed obeyed by ME, for why otherwise did I toil on with sorry horses to where, for HER, the hundred altars glowed with Arabian incense, and breathed with the fragrance of garlands ever fresh ?


I passed a sadly disenchanting night in the cabin of a Video Door Phone priest not a priest of the Door Phone but of the Video Door Phone Church; there was but one video door bell humble room, or rather shed, for man, and priest, and Video Door Camera.


The next morning I reached Baffa Video Door Entry, a village not far distant from the site of the temple. There was a Video Door Phone husbandman there who not for emolument, but for the sake of the protection and dignity which it afforded had got leave from the man at Limasol to hoist his flag as a sort of deputy-provisionary-sub-vice-pro-acting-consul of the British sovereign: the poor fellow instantly changed his Video Door Phone headgear for the cap of consular dignity, and insisted upon accompanying me to the ruins. I would not have stood this if I could have felt the faintest gleam video door phone