(分享)45+ Fresh Out of the oven jQuery Plugins
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Two month ago we’ve presented the 50 favorite jQuery pluginsmany developers use and we promised that the second version will becoming soon. Today, we are going to introduce 45+ more jquery pluginsthat were recently created, so you don’t haveto do the search as we did it and will continue to do it to build auseful library of jquery plugins and solutions.
Image SlideShows and Galleries
1) Galleria -Is a javascriptimage gallery written in jQuery. It loads the images one by one from anunordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded. Itwill create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled,centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS.
2) jQuery Multimedia Portfolio-Non obstrusive and accessible portfolio supporting multiple media :photos, video (flv), audio (mp3), will automatically detect theextension of each media and apply the adapted player.
3) wSlide -Change your lists in animated box (with pagination)
Tag Clouds
4) Hover Sub Tags-Using jQuery to reduce the size of the tag cloud that you have on yoursites, for example if you have Ajax as a tag, you can have jquery,mootools, etc… as sub-tags. A Sub Tag Cloud will appear when hoveringover the main Tag links.
5) Pagination-Create navigational elements, when you have a a large list of items youcan display them grouped in pages and present navigational elements tomove from one page to another.
6) Accordion Menu -In this Accordion menu example, the menu headers are H3 tags, with each sub menu being UL tags that expand/ contract.
8 ) Coda-Slider- Amazing jQuery Coda-Slider can be used for Nice, slick content presentation.
9) Simple Horizontal Accordion
Tables and Grids
10) TableRowCheckboxToggle– It generically adds the toggle function to any table rows you specifybased on the css class names. It will by default toggle any checkboxeswithin the table row.
11) TableEditor – TableEditor provides flexible in place editing of HTML tables.
12) Ingrid – ngridis an unobtrusive jQuery component that adds datagrid behaviors (columnresizing, paging, sorting, row and column styling, and more) to yourtables.
13) jQuery Nice Form – Create custom looking form elements, that function like normal form elements.
14) Easy Multi Select Transfer- Allowing options to be traded from one multi select to another.
15) jQuery Form Plugin-Allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAXby using ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit methods to gather information from theform element and determine how to manage the submit process whichallows you to have full control over how the data is submitted.
16) jQuery.SerialScroll– This plugin allows you to easily animate any series of elements, bysequentially scrolling them. You can use it as a section slider, textscroller, slideshows, and news ticker.
17) liScroll – LiScroll is a jQuery plugin that transforms any given unordered list into a scrolling News Ticker
18) Spinner– Allows you to cycle through millions of items or groups of items withthe appearance of a scroller and functionality of a page horizontallyor vertically.
Form Elements
19) jWYSIWYG – This plugin is an inline content editor to allow editing rich HTML content on the fly.
20) Simple chained combobox -Very simple chained selects plugin for jQuery with JSON processing and callback feature, chain multiple selects with ease.
21) jQuery checkbox
22) jGrow -jGrow is a jQuery plug-in that makes the textarea adjust its size according to the length of the text.
23) jTruncate in Action – jTruncate provides simple yet customizable truncation for text entities in your web page.
24) toggleElements – toggleElements is designed to hide informations on your site and show it only when the user requests more information.
Gradients and Shadows
25) Drop Shadows – Interesting Drop shadow effect generated by a jQuery Plugin.
26) Gradient jQuery plugin– It allows you to define a gradient fill and have an element filledwith a gradient. You can set the direction of the gradient (right-leftor up-down) and the opacity of the gradient easily.
27) Gradient– The gradient plugin adds a dynamically created configurable gradientto the background of an element without the use of images.
28) Facebox -Is a jQuery-based, Facebook-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages.
29) jQuery Lightbox Plugin- (balupton edition)
Color Picker
30) jQueryColorPicker – A simple jquery color picker plugin that can make user change the color of the background of the page easily.
This is worth checking out
31) Animated InnerFade- Full w3c compliant animated slideshow with sliding effect on large images.
32) Easy POP Show 1.0 Release – Full screen show for slide news or Image Gallery.
33) jqChart- Ajax & Draggable Simple Chart on Canvas+jQuery.
34) UI Datepicker -A simple jQuery UI Datepicker. Just add a text input field to your page and then attach the datepicker to it.
35) JSmile –A totally unobtrusive way for both (x)html and javascriptevents/functionality, this plug-in allows you to add, and remove,smiles in an entire document or only in some specified element.
36) ImgAreaSelect – imgAreaSelect is a jQuery plugin for selecting a rectangular area of an image.
37) jPrintArea-jPrintArea is a small jquery plugin to print only contents of a specified element.
38) jTabber- Allows you to scroll through content by clicking on tabs, without the page having to reload.
39) jQuery Calculation Plug-in – The Calculation plug-in is designed to give easy-to-use jQuery functions for commonly used mathematical functions.
40) jquery.biggerlink – A jQuery plugin to make it really easy to enable the specified element/s to behave as a proxy for their first contained link.
41) Humanized Messages-It’s simply a large and translucent message that’s displayed over thecontents of your screen. They fade away when the user takes any action(like typing or moving the mouse).
42) Ajax Manager -Helps you to manage AJAX requests and responses (i.e. abort requests, block requests, order responses).
43) Background-Position Animation
44) Lazyload-Delaysloading of images in (long) web pages. Images below the fold (the oneslower than window bottom) are not loaded. When scrolling down they areloaded when needed.
45) jQuery Tag Suggestion- The same tag suggesting as-you-type support that del.icio.us is uses.