ajax 12301 原因小结

    很多同学在web ajax时遇到 status 12301 的错误,误以为是jQuery的错误。 jQuery 官方给出的解释是“
As you mentioned,error 12031 is coming from the Winsock stack and means "connection reset".If you have any third-party toolbars or firewall software you should probably remove them.But again,the jQuery bug tracker is not an ideal place to troubleshoot a general problem like this.



        1.1 web页面编码与js文件编码不一致

        1.2 web母版页与web页在编码不一致 

        1.3 页面html meta 指定的编码与web页在编码不一致


    3.页面载入时多个并行的 post ajax



posted @ 2013-03-29 21:53  life++  阅读(382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报