VS2010 下T4引用程序集,未能找到元数据文件(xxx.dll could not be found)

VS2010 下 T4使用
<#@ assembly name="System.Data.SQLite.dll" #>
Error    3    Compiling transformation: 未能找到元数据文件“System.Data.SQLite.dll”   
T4's assembly set is completely separated from the containing project's assembly set to avoid picking up the wrong assemblies when a project targets previous framework versions. Project assemblies are no longer used to resolve template assembly directives.

为了避免因为项目与模板在.net framework 版本不一致上引发程序集错误,T4 的程序集已经完全独立于所在项目的程序集。项目的程序集不再直接影响模板的程序集。


  1. GAC your assemblies and use Namespace Reference or Fully Qualified Type Name
  2. Use a hard-coded Fully Qualified UNC path
  3. Copy assembly to Visual Studio "Public Assemblies Folder" and use Namespace Reference or Fully Qualified Type Name.

    注如:D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies,拷进去之后需要重启vs2010.

  4. Use or Define a Windows Environment Variable to build a Fully Qualified UNC path.
  5. Use a Visual Studio Macro to build a Fully Qualified UNC path.
posted @ 2010-10-27 09:00  life++  阅读(7464)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报