在上篇《深入springMVC------文件上传源码解析(上篇) 》中,介绍了springmvc文件上传相关。那么本篇呢,将进一步介绍springmvc 上传文件的效率问题。
@RequestMapping(value = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResultView upload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) { Inputstream in = file.getInputStream(); ... }
但是,出于效率,其实我个人更推荐使用 MultipartFile 的 transferTo 方法进行操作,类似这样:
@RequestMapping(value = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResultView upload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) { file.transferTo(new File(destFile)); ... }
1. 先看 MultipartFile(其实现类CommonsMultipartFile) 的getInputStream方法:
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { if (!isAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("File has been moved - cannot be read again"); } InputStream inputStream = this.fileItem.getInputStream(); return (inputStream != null ? inputStream : new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); }
通过源码可以看到,spring是通过commons-fileupload 中的FileItem对象去获取输入流,那么就去看看FileItem(其实现类DiskFileItem)的对应方法:
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { if (!isInMemory()) { return new FileInputStream(dfos.getFile()); } if (cachedContent == null) { cachedContent = dfos.getData(); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(cachedContent); }
通过源码可以看到:先去查看是否存在于内存中,如果存在,就将内存中的file对象包装为文件流, 如果不存在,那么就去看缓存,如果缓存存在就从缓存中获取字节数组并包装为输入流。
接下来,咱们再看看 CommonsMultipartFile 的 transferTo 方法,以便形成比较:
@Override public void transferTo(File dest) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { if (!isAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("File has already been moved - cannot be transferred again"); } if (dest.exists() && !dest.delete()) { throw new IOException( "Destination file [" + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "] already exists and could not be deleted"); } try { this.fileItem.write(dest); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { String action = "transferred"; if (!this.fileItem.isInMemory()) { action = isAvailable() ? "copied" : "moved"; } logger.debug("Multipart file '" + getName() + "' with original filename [" + getOriginalFilename() + "], stored " + getStorageDescription() + ": " + action + " to [" + dest.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); } } catch (FileUploadException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Could not transfer to file", ex); throw new IOException("Could not transfer to file: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
不多说,主要看 this.fileItem.write(dest) 这一句,利用commons-fileupload 中的相关方法:
public void write(File file) throws Exception { if (isInMemory()) { FileOutputStream fout = null; try { fout = new FileOutputStream(file); fout.write(get()); } finally { if (fout != null) { fout.close(); } } } else { File outputFile = getStoreLocation(); if (outputFile != null) { // Save the length of the file size = outputFile.length(); ........
通过源码可以看到 transfoTo 方法很干净利落,直接去将内存中的文件通过输出流写出到指定的file 。 等等,跟上面的 getInputStream方法相比,是不是省了点步骤? 是的,再来一张图,清晰地表示两个方法地不同之处:
红色线表示使用的是transferTo方法,黑色线代表getInputStream方法, 可见,transferTo直接将内存中的文件缓存直接写入到磁盘的物理文件, 而getInputStream方法会中转一次(先通过getInputStream从内存中获取流,再通过outputStream输出到磁盘物理文件)。两者相比,即使从步骤来看,你也能看出来transferTo效率更高了吧。