postgresql数据库中的 rownum





    <select id="queryScoreDetailList" parameterType="com.picc.hmbms.outinterface.scoreDetail.vo.ScoreDetailInfoQueryVo" resultMap="reMemberScoreInfo_i">
        select *
        from (select tmp_page.*
        from (
        select distinct tsg.member_code   memberCode,
        row_number() OVER() as rownum,
        tsg.SCORE_TYPE  ,
        <!--  tsd.CONSUMEORG         businessOrg, -->
        <!-- tsd.GRANTORG         grantOrg,  -->
        to_char(tsd.insert_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') insertTime,
        to_char(tsg.end_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') endDate,
        tss.order_no orderNo,
        (case when tsd.consumeorg is null then tsd.grantorg else tsd.consumeorg end ) businessOrg,
        tsd.SYS_NO         sysNo ,
        (case when tsd.SCORE is  null  then 0  else round(tsd.SCORE,0) end)     score,
        (case when tss.consumer_date is null then to_char(tsg.GRANT_DATE,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss')
        else  to_char(tss.consumer_date,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') end) businessDate,
        tsd.BUSINESS_TYPE businessType
        from t_member_score_detail tsd
        left join t_score_grent tsg  on tsg.Member_Code = tsd.member_code   and tsg.SCORE_GRENT_ID = tsd.SCORE_GRENT_ID
        left join t_score_settel tss on tss.Member_Code = tsd.member_code   and tss.SCORE_SETTEL_ID = tsd.SCORE_SETTEL_ID
        <if test="memberCode != null and '' != memberCode">
            where tsd.MEMBER_CODE = #{memberCode, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
        <if test="startDate != null and ''!= startDate">
            AND ( to_date(to_char(tsd.GRANT_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') <![CDATA[ >= ]]>to_date(#{startDate},'yyyy-MM-dd')
            or to_date(to_char(tsd.CONSUME_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')<![CDATA[ >= ]]> to_date(#{startDate},'yyyy-MM-dd'))

        <if test="endDate != null and '' != endDate">
            AND ( to_date(to_char(tsd.GRANT_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') <![CDATA[ <= ]]> to_date(#{endDate},'yyyy-MM-dd')
            or to_date(to_char(tsd.CONSUME_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') <![CDATA[ <= ]]> to_date(#{endDate},'yyyy-MM-dd'))
        order by businessDate desc ) tmp_page
        where rownum <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{maxNum} and  tmp_page.businessDate is not null) lm
        where rownum > #{minNum}


<select id="queryScoreDetailList" parameterType="com.picc.hmbms.outinterface.scoreDetail.vo.ScoreDetailInfoQueryVo" resultMap="reMemberScoreInfo_i">
        select *
        from (select tmp_page.*
        from (
        select distinct tsg.member_code   memberCode,
        row_number() OVER (order by consumer_date )   AS    rownum,
        tsg.SCORE_TYPE  ,
        <!--  tsd.CONSUMEORG         businessOrg, -->
        <!-- tsd.GRANTORG         grantOrg,  -->
        to_char(tsd.insert_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') insertTime,
        to_char(tsg.end_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') endDate,
        tss.order_no orderNo,
        case when tsd.score_type='06' then '挑战赢积分活动扣100积分' else tsg.CONTENT end,
        (case when tsd.consumeorg is null then tsd.grantorg else tsd.consumeorg end ) businessOrg,
        tsd.SYS_NO         sysNo ,
        (case when tsd.SCORE is  null  then 0  else round(tsd.SCORE,0) end)     score,
        (case when tss.consumer_date is null then to_char(tsg.GRANT_DATE,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss')
        else  to_char(tss.consumer_date,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') end) businessDate,
        tsd.BUSINESS_TYPE businessType
        from t_member_score_detail tsd
        left join t_score_grent tsg  on tsg.Member_Code = tsd.member_code   and tsg.SCORE_GRENT_ID = tsd.SCORE_GRENT_ID
        left join t_score_settel tss on tss.Member_Code = tsd.member_code   and tss.SCORE_SETTEL_ID = tsd.SCORE_SETTEL_ID
        <if test="memberCode != null and '' != memberCode">
            where tsd.MEMBER_CODE = #{memberCode, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
        <if test="startDate != null and ''!= startDate">
            AND ( to_date(to_char(tsd.GRANT_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') <![CDATA[ >= ]]>to_date(#{startDate},'yyyy-MM-dd')
            or to_date(to_char(tsd.CONSUME_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')<![CDATA[ >= ]]> to_date(#{startDate},'yyyy-MM-dd'))

        <if test="endDate != null and '' != endDate">
            AND ( to_date(to_char(tsd.GRANT_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') <![CDATA[ <= ]]> to_date(#{endDate},'yyyy-MM-dd')
            or to_date(to_char(tsd.CONSUME_DATE, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd') <![CDATA[ <= ]]> to_date(#{endDate},'yyyy-MM-dd'))
        order by businessDate desc ) tmp_page
        where rownum <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{maxNum} and  tmp_page.businessDate is not null) lm
        where rownum > #{minNum}


posted on 2020-06-11 23:05  ~码铃薯~  阅读(9247)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
