No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts postgrepsql数据库
No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts
SELECT tt.NAME,, tt.idcardtype, tt.idcard, , tt.birthday, tt.ID, tt.vipid, tt.cardno, tt.cardtypename , tt.cardtypecode, tt.gradetypename, tt.status, tt.TYPE, tt.changecardno , tt.changecardnoflag, tt.PASSWORD, tt.accountmoneytype, tt.networktype, tt.usertype ,, tt.points, tt.couponcnt, tt.relatedcnt, COALESCE ( tt.comname, tt.unitname ) as unitname, tt.refereecode, tt.insuretype, tt.starteffectdate, tt.endeffectdate, tt.uniagentcode, tt.unisaleschannel , tt.unisalesbusitype FROM ( SELECT vip.NAME,, vip.idcardtype, vip.idcard, , vip.birthday, acc.ID, acc.vipid , CASE WHEN acc.cardno IS NULL THEN acc.changecardno ELSE acc.cardno END AS cardno, acc.cardtypename, acc.cardtypecode, acc.gradetypename, acc.status , acc.TYPE, acc.changecardno, acc.changecardnoflag, acc.PASSWORD, acc.accountmoneytype , acc.networktype, acc.usertype,, mon.points , CASE WHEN cp.couponcnt IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE cp.couponcnt END AS couponcnt , ( SELECT COUNT(0) FROM vip_accountrelated T WHERE T.vipid = vip.ID AND T.accountid = acc.ID AND T.dr = 0 ) AS relatedcnt , ( SELECT t1.unit_name::VARCHAR FROM up_org_unit t1, up_org_unit_ext t2 WHERE t1.unit_id = t2.unit_id AND t2.unit_uncode = vip.unitid ) AS unitname , ( SELECT t1.unit_name::VARCHAR FROM up_org_unit t1, up_org_unit_ext t2 WHERE t1.unit_id = t2.unit_id AND t2.unit_uncode = acc.sendunitid ) AS comname, acc.refereecode, vip.insuretype, acc.starteffectdate, acc.endeffectdate , acc.uniagentcode, acc.unisaleschannel, acc.unisalesbusitype FROM VIP_ACCOUNT acc, VIP_INFO vip, VIP_ACCOUNTMONEY mon, ( SELECT ac.accountid, COUNT(0) AS couponcnt FROM VIP_ACCOUNTCOUPON ac, VIP_COUPON cou WHERE ac.couponcode = cou.code AND cou.status = 1 AND ac.dr = 0 AND cou.dr = 0 GROUP BY ac.accountid ) cp WHERE acc.vipid = vip.ID AND acc.ID = mon.ID AND acc.ID = cp.accountid AND acc.dr = 0 AND vip.dr = 0 AND mon.dr = 0 ) tt ORDER BY tt.usertype OFFSET ( ?- 1 ) * ? LIMIT ?
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