栏位索引超过许可范围:1,栏位数:0。; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 栏位索引超过许可范围:1,栏位数:0。
<select id="queryItemPage" resultMap="reBranch" parameterType="com.picc.hfms.budget.dto.BrBudgetItem"> select * from ( select row_number()over(partition by item_id order by audit_date desc )rn, test.* from ( select a.item_id, a.budget_id, a.item_code, a.item_name, a.total_amount, a.org_code, a.item_type, a.service_type, a.is_hairpin, a.hairpin_num, a.product_code, a.product_name, a.service_code, a.service_name, a.remark, a.insert_oper, a.insert_time, a.update_time, a.update_oper, b.budget_code, b.budget_name, b.actual_total_amount, c.status, c.audit_date, c.item_trace_id from t_budget_item_branch a join T_BUDGET_ITEM_BRANCH_TRACE c on a.item_id=c.item_id left join T_BUDGET_BRANCH b on a.budget_id=b.budget_id ) test ) aaa where rn='1' <if test="Status!=null and Status != ''"> and status like #{Status} </if> <if test="itemName!=null and itemName != ''"> and item_name like #{itemName} </if> <if test="itemCode!=null and itemCode != ''"> and item_code like #{itemCode} </if> <if test="isHairpin!=null and isHairpin != ''"> and is_hairpin like #{isHairpin} </if> <if test="budgetId!=null and budgetId != ''"> and budget_id = cast(#{budgetId} as NUMERIC ) </if> <if test="orgCode!=null and orgCode != ''"> and org_code like #{orgCode} </if> <if test="itemType!=null and itemType != ''"> and item_type like #{itemType} </if> <if test="itemId!=null and itemId != ''"> and item_id = cast(#{itemId} as NUMERIC ) </if> <if test="itemName!=null and itemName != ''"> and item_name like #{itemName} </if> order by update_time desc offset (#{page}- 1)* #{limit} limit #{limit} 手动分页 </select>
Page<BranchVo> brL = branchBudgetDao.queryItemPage(pageParam,brBudgetItem);
Page<BranchVo> brL = branchBudgetDao.queryItemPage(brBudgetItem);//不传分页参数,分页参数,放到BrBudgetItem实体类中,添加相应的分页属性,limit-页大小 page起始页码