ORACLE数据库--order by----ORA-01785 ORDER BY必须是select-list 表达式的数目
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 | select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where '1582443083000' = '1582443083000' and cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and lb.ruleid <> '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2024-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' union select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), max(lb.sid), lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and exists (select 1 from lpedoritem where contno = lb.contno and edorstate = '0' and edortype = 'PT' ) and lb.ruleid = '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2024-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' and rownum=1 group by lb.contno, cont.conttype, cont.appntno, cont.insuredno, cont.appntname, cont.insuredname, lb.create_time, lb.sum_total, lb.sum_price, lb.sum_tax, lb.managecom order by max(lb.sid) desc union select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and not exists (select 1 from lpedoritem where contno = lb.contno and edorstate = '0' and edortype = 'PT' ) and lb.ruleid = '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2024-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' |
运行之后:ORA-01785 ORDER BY必须是select-list 表达式的数目
我理解的是多个union连接的时候是不能够使用order by进行排序的,因为他不可能按照每一块给你去单独的进行排序。因为有很多主的查询语句。当然如果只有一个主的查询语句是可以的
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 | select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where '1582443083000' = '1582443083000' and cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and lb.ruleid <> '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2024-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' union select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and exists (select 1 from lpedoritem where contno = lb.contno and edorstate = '0' and edortype = 'PT' ) and lb.ruleid = '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2024-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.sid=(select sid from lis_busi_transactions where contno=lb.contno and rownum=1 order by sid) union select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and not exists (select 1 from lpedoritem where contno = lb.contno and edorstate = '0' and edortype = 'PT' ) and lb.ruleid = '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2024-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' |
1 | and lb.sid=(select sid from lis_busi_transactions where contno=lb.contno and rownum=1 order by sid) 这样写还是不能够按照你想象中的场景进行排序的。(具体原因自己也不是很清楚)下面这种写法是可以的: |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 | select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where '1582439926000' = '1582439926000' and cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and lb.ruleid <> '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2023-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' union select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and exists (select 1 from lpedoritem where contno = lb.contno and edorstate = '0' and edortype = 'PT' ) and lb.ruleid = '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2023-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.sid = (select max(sid) from lis_busi_transactions where contno=lb.contno and ruleid= '16' ) /* group by lb.contno, lb.managecom, cont.conttype, cont.appntno, cont.insuredno, cont.appntname, cont.insuredname, lb.create_time, lb.sum_total, lb.sum_price, lb.sum_tax*/ union select lb.contno, decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntno, '2' , cont.insuredno), decode(cont.conttype, '1' , cont.appntname, '2' , cont.insuredname), to_date(lb.create_time), to_char(lb.sum_total, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_price, '9999999990.99' ), to_char(lb.sum_tax, '9999999990.99' ), lb.sid, lb.managecom from LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS lb, lccont cont where cont.contno = lb.contno and lb.invoiceflag in ( '00' ) and lb.successflag = '1' and not exists (select 1 from lcgrpcont c where c.grpcontno = lb.contno) and lb.sum_total > 0 and (cont.currency = '01' or cont.currency is null ) and not exists (select 1 from ljagetendorse a, LIS_BUSI_TRANSACTIONS b where a.actugetno = b.sourceid and a.getflag = '1' and b.ruleid in ( '3' , '6' , '10' , '12' ) and a.actugetno = lb.sourceid and b.sid = lb.sid) and exists (SELECT 1 FROM ljapay d where d.otherno = cont.contno) and not exists (select 1 from lpedoritem where contno = lb.contno and edorstate = '0' and edortype = 'PT' ) and lb.ruleid = '16' and lb.contno = 'P442011830004' and to_date(lb.create_time) >= date '2020-02-23' and to_date(lb.create_time) <= date '2023-02-23' and lb.managecom like '86%' and lb.managecom like '86%' |
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